It's the 1st new lens in 12 years & the lion kingdom's 1st ultra wide angle. Full frame DSLR's still provide the ultimate picture quality, despite how far phones have come. The internet tried desperately to hide how small the optics in this lens are. It really is a lot of plastic with a tiny lens, but it's better than a Canon kit lens.
Lions would never use it for anything longer than 17mm, they already have a better 28mm, but wide angles are lot cheaper in zoom format. It's the lion kingdom's 2nd zoom. The bokeh at F2.8 finally confirmed that wide angles don't do very good bokeh. At F2.8, it's sharp from corner to corner.
It managed to fit on the robot without having any damage points & without being too unbalanced. It's the mane lens the robot will use.

Like butter at ISO 800

35 & 17mm F8. Not bad in internet quality.

The very corner at 17mm F8 is perfect. 

Comparing the Tamron to the 15 year old fisheye at F2.8, the fisheye has a lot more chromatic aberration, but is only slightly softer after defishing. The fisheye wouldn't do as well on video, but is still very relevant. The 17mm is nowhere close as wide as the 15mm, but those 2mm in a rectilinear format cost 3 weeks of rent.


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