The 244T's original manual was in french, so the lion kingdom never figured out how to use it. Nowadays, the english manual is online, revealing its secrets.

With a modern TTL flash, the camera sends its settings to the flash, where the flash does its best to properly expose the scene. With the old fashioned 244T, data only goes from the flash to the camera.

It requires putting the camera in Program mode & telling it what the camera's ISO is. Then, it commands the camera to use 1/60 shutter speed & an F stop from 2.8-5.6, depending on distance to the subject & ISO. Most of the time, it selects F 4.0 & adjusts its light output. Selecting 400 ISO makes it output less light, but most often doesn't change the F stop.

Putting the camera in T, A, or M mode causes the flash settings to be ignored. The lion kingdom previously set the camera to M mode, 1/100, F 8.0, ISO 400. Then it set the flash to ISO 100. This yielded the same exposure as the F 4.0, ISO 100 the flash expected.

Any shutter speed below 1/250 is irrelevant, since the flash always fires at 1/250. Only the camera ISO has to be adjusted to compensate for the F stop. Always set the flash to ISO 100 to get the most light. For F 2.8, set the camera ISO to 50. For F 5.6, set the ISO to 200. For F 8.0, set the ISO to 400.

For fill light, the F stop & ISO would have to match F 4.0 ISO 100 to properly expose the foreground. Then, a shutter speed with those settings would have to be selected to properly expose the background.


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