Then, there was yet another attempt to run after dinner which failed. The 433Mhz radio failed 1st. This time, it was the receiver & it seemed to be a broken cable. Then, after 4 miles of walking, the lion failed.
Lions continue to live under the delusion that their bowels can be controlled after dinner. Lions did it years ago, with great pain 90% of the time. Taking pepto bismol before running appeared to improve matters for a while. Old age has made night runs a thing of the past.
The lion kingdom has wrote off financial news as much as manestream news in that both have become worthless clickbait. The analysts are always a day late & telling the opposite of what's in your best interest. 20 years ago, 50% of the time what they told us to do was in our best interest. Now, 100% of the time, they're telling us to do what's in their best interest & exactly the opposite of our best interest.
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