Federal, state, & amended tax returns complete. The lion kingdom managed to hit a surplus by overpaying social security for the last 2 years but still suffered significantly from the day job running out of money & freezing its 401k last year.
The lion kingdom accidentally calculated the married tax rate & felt incredibly euphoric before discovering the error & calculating the single tax rate. It's remarkable how high taxes become in old age, if you're not married. The money not put into tax sheltered investments just keeps being taken away in taxes for your entire life. There's no way to put money earned 20 years ago into a tax sheltered investment.
At the rate money is losing value, generation X is going to need $5 - $10 million in order to retire. If it isn't in a tax sheltered account, the tax on even 1% interest every single year until you die is over $16,000.
When the government announces new programs like universal basic income, racism reparations, & environmental reparations, the money doesn't come from the rich. The rich all incorporate themselves & pay themselves qualified dividends which are taxed far below individual income tax rates. The money for entitlement programs comes from people making under the poverty line, who don't own houses & who will never retire, like lions.
The lion kingdom accidentally calculated the married tax rate & felt incredibly euphoric before discovering the error & calculating the single tax rate. It's remarkable how high taxes become in old age, if you're not married. The money not put into tax sheltered investments just keeps being taken away in taxes for your entire life. There's no way to put money earned 20 years ago into a tax sheltered investment.
At the rate money is losing value, generation X is going to need $5 - $10 million in order to retire. If it isn't in a tax sheltered account, the tax on even 1% interest every single year until you die is over $16,000.
When the government announces new programs like universal basic income, racism reparations, & environmental reparations, the money doesn't come from the rich. The rich all incorporate themselves & pay themselves qualified dividends which are taxed far below individual income tax rates. The money for entitlement programs comes from people making under the poverty line, who don't own houses & who will never retire, like lions.
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