Al Gore was in the same boat, flailing on his back, realizing his time was over & the lion kingdom can't remember him ever conceding, but that was a time when people were manely supported by families. The government is the modern family.
The last times a president only got 1 term were Bush & Biden 1.0 or rather Carter. You have to be pretty hated to get only 1 term. Humans have normally re-elected the same rulers forever, so submissively they had to create term limits to protect against themselves. Bush & Carden were beaten by terrible economies but this is the 1st time someone lost despite the economy.
He probably would have won & under achievers would have had better prospects if he just shut his mouth & issued the same executive orders. He got a meaningless change to progressive tax rates passed, a big reduction in corporate tax that got a lot of semi employed to incorporate themselves, a little more money to NASA. It's unlikely his immigration enforcement & Chinese tariff had any material impact on anything.
His name will only be mentioned in history books as the creator of the space force while maybe the rest of his single term is manely forgotten. We'll see how long the self incorporated workforce lasts under Carter's tax rates.
It was incredible how many states still voted for him. It might have been a landslide victory if he shut his mouth. It really was a case of him being his own worst enemy. In some ways, it's a vindication of the standard of living being high enough that people don't have to worry about the economy anymore.
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