It should have been a lion, back in 1986. Howard the Duck was the 1st movie based on a Marvel superhero, but it was a bit ahead of its time. It took half a century for the lion kingdom to finally realize none of it was shot in Ohio. It was all shot in San Francisco, like most movies about Ohio. 1 scene from the duck planet is lake Merritt which has been horizontally flipped.
Dynatechnics was a building in Novato. The ultralight scenes were on the Petaluma river. The all night diner was an outdoor set in Napa. The nuclear power plant was the Rancho Seco plant. It was still operational, when the movie was made.
After watching it so many times 30 years ago, all those years pounding the streets of SOMA were actually spent living in the movie. Still hard to believe it's not Cleveland or the duck planet, because the lighting is so different.


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