Imogen Heap lives in her childhood home, a round mansion crammed with junk.  Her studio is in the basement.  She bought it from her father in her 30's, after becoming wealthy from showbiz.  She spent the last 10 years developing $2000 musical instrument gloves as a startup venture.  Like the rest of generation X, she looks like a fossil.

People who make a lot of money, have an idea for a gadget but no knowledge of how to build it, are ripe for getting ripped off.  In the acquisition economy though, recent celebrities like Casey Neistat have managed to do well with startup ventures which were absolute flops.

Back when lions had any views & were still eligible for adsense, they were paying $1 per 1000 views. They since concentrated the algorithm to pay fewer channels & pay the survivors $3 - $5 per 1000 views, depending on how much of the commercial was viewed & how much the advertiser paid. 1 billion views is $3-5 million.
The average science channel gets 1-20 million views or $60,000 per video. They make more from paytreon. All the stars file as corporations & declare a loss, so it's tax free.
Female gootube stars have a short life. Once they hit 30, they're views disappear. Not sure if it's because they move on to having families instead of working or the audience just doesn't want to see women over 30. Male gootube stars have more time, but still age out by 40. The peak for everyone on gootube is 25-30.


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