Downloading high res photos of heroine college:

Set the browser to 80% zoom

Inspect the photo element.

Edit the openseadragon-container div

Change width & height to 500% or higher

Hit tab inside the text editing area

Move the image back to the top left & zoom in all the way.

It'll spend a while reloading the image.

Right click on the image & save it as a download.png file

It'll once again take its time. It seems to give up if the size of the file is over 16 MB. Images may have to be split in 2.

Made some high res anaglyphs

Heroine Hall in 1873

Art class in 1873

The internet says biology class in 1900, though it looks like a chemistry class.

Dorm room in 1880. So rare to get an intimate view of life in those days, it's strange to see artifacts of the old west in an everyday scene. There was no sound reproduction in those days besides what you could play on a banjo. Women played banjos.

1917 forest scene

1893 dorm room

1898 dorm room. Intriguing how many photos they put up, despite the limited technology of the time.

1906 anaglyph

Observatory in 1890

1873 anaglyph

1900 heroine basketball team

Clock tower dedication in 1904

1873 art class

1871 scene

1874 scene

Sword fight in 1900

Them victorian college students must have thought they were really special, with their gas lights, rocking chairs, & photographs. These would have been promotional photos meant to lure women to heroine college. A modern lion would be quite clueless on how to survive in 1898, let alone turn on a light. How much of the world still lives with furniture from 1898?

Heroines turned into warriors, lived out their lives in this time, with no concept of an existence beyond Earth ever entering their prospects. Their descendants would eventually leave Earth, hundreds of years later.


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