Predicted Dearmoon crew
Predicted Dearmoon crew
Based on stage 3 being awarded to top entertainers, ranked based on view count, Elon wearing Everyday Guy's shirt in a dearmoon promo, & also the need for gender equality, this is a very likely crew from a simple search of submissions.
Everyday Guy
Manly Scott
Black Gryphon
Sofia Jin
Kayla Lander
The difference between the view counts for the men & the women is several orders of magnitude, so the male picks are definitely more certain. Wonderhussy has 10x more view counts than any other women, so she's definitely going.
All their lives will be drastically changed in the next 4 years, not only from the act of becoming Apollo 8 & reading genesis from the far side of the moon but from the sponsorships which are coming. A spot on an lunar astronaut's video is going to be worth as much as a superbowl ad.
So are Americans going to legalize prostitution now that they're sending a former nude model to the moon? Absolutely not. They're only liberal during the election years.
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