The lion kingdom missed the part about stonks continuing to decline 3 days after the fed announcement & preprogrammed selloff, but it only means the bounce will be later. The fed balance sheet continues to march up, despite the talking heads. Janet spent years jawboning the stonk market while doing nothing material, as a means of soft monetary policy. Jawboning the stonk market is how they do it, nowadays. Lions see the reported inflation dropping like a rock.
The lion kingdom is pleased to have made it 8 miles in 104F heat. Lions are not going to be able to retire in a temperate climate. It's going to be either blizzards or extreme heat. So being able to do it if only slowly is better than nothing. It is believed lion tolerance of extreme heat has improved since they were last in Fl*rida.
Feeling exhausted after the 1st 2 days of the year of the indoor temperataure hitting 96F & 98F, the lion kingdom reviewed last year's data. There were at least 6 days of 104F, but it was routine for indoor highs to exceed 95F for multiple consecutive weeks before temperature logging. Lions have only their memory of 100F being the standard routine they woke up to for many consecutive days in August.
In other news, a month after the lost phone number caused it to be shut down, the book has been stuck on its 1 day warning for several days. It seems they never really delete an account. The lion kingdom hoped its email could be reused after the account was deleted, but it wasn't to be. It would require making yet another fake email account to get back on. It became clear since it was shut down that lions never really used it for anything but staying connected with 1 guy, organizing ideas, viewing public photos of hotties who would never add lion accounts anyways.
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