Sadly, the search for Philip has become another quest for Elvis. Like all marriages, his wasn't happy but the trick with escaping from a marriage or a financial obligation is it still requires money. There wasn't any unusual bank account withdrawal. It would have been hard for him to part with what he made working for the government unless he had a stash somewhere. The other idea is him & the wife were both in on the disappearance as part of some kind of insurance fraud.
The lion kingdom noted his workouts were all concentrated in Berkeley. Rarely did he go anywhere else. It was always in cooler areas & usually with someone else. He was neither training for hot weather nor acclimated. He normally ran in the morning or evening, never during peak heating.
He never once went to Pleasanton ridge except for the 1 time, on the hottest day of the year. Choosing to go there on the hottest day was like doing everything possible to die from heat exhaustion or at least make it look like it. The last photo of him was 24 hours before he disappeared.
The lion kingdom believes he got into another vehicle before leaving the parking lot & was never in the park. A time traveling lion waiting on the Moller Ranch trail would have seen no-one come from the parking lot.
Contrary to billing, Xfinity/Comca$t has a 48 hour annual manetenance window in which service is shut down. It always happens in summer, during the week. If it wasn't a planned manetenance window, it would happen during a weekend, but this has never happened.
In 2020, they sent out printed notices about the outage. A lot of people obviously canceled rather than wait for it, so in 2021 they didn't sent out any notices. They cut service on a Wednesday & resumed it on Friday without notice. Knowing now that the manetenance is done in July, it's always the same duration, lions can plan on switching to AT&T in June.
All coworkers using Comca$t experienced their outages at other times in the year, but every Comca$t customer shares the same grief, for 48 hours every year. Lions never went a full year with AT&T, but it couldn't be worse than Com. Shutting down the DSL system for that long every year would be like shutting down the phone system.
Mercury 13 was vapid at best. In a time when aviation videos with hottie female pilots abound on the goo tubes, another compositing of WASP photos on fake backgrounds doesn't leave the imprint it did 20 years ago. It's manely a retelling of the WASPS, followed by their brief stint in the astronaut screening program. It was very brief.
The most novel part of it was the art decco.
The original footage from Flygirls is back, in higher quality.
They look a lot younger than they did 20 years ago on the history channel.
The only reason this ended up on the hard drive was of course Wally Funk finally reaching the karman line.
Their time in space was so limited, they only had low res underexposed video. There's just not enough time to get a high quality photo of anyone in a suborbital flight. Lions were mildly curious how Bezos picked Funk above all the others. The current generation being what it is, no-one asks questions anymore. Lions only suspect it was because she sounded the most aggressive in the documentary.
Women become gootube pilots nowadays manely because a hottie 25 year old body wearing a headset makes money. When they hit 30, they're gone. They became WASPs because they were going to lose the war & there was no-one else who could do it. Old age has shown lions there was nothing revolutionary about either case.
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