The lion kingdom began its viewing of Sweet Tooth. Based on the skin color of the characters, the series got the go ahead after June 2020. It was released in June 2021. A TV miniseries going from writing to completion, with all the social distancing protocols in place, in 1 year is pretty impressive.
The concept was actually created in 2009, in a comic book about a then fictional pandemic with fictional discrimination against fictional hybrid animals. Of course, we lion-humans know hybrids are real.
The volunteer search for the runner was finally called off. Lions believe there were IP issues with distributing any satellite photos or quad copter footage. No-one wanted to say anything about why they couldn't share any data, probably because they felt guilty about the IP situation hampering the search & they knew lawyers were watching. That data might be freely available to the government but not to private individuals. Since it wasn't a formal effort, private individuals were expected to keep any IP to themselves. They weren't very likely to find anyone anyway & they didn't.
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