House update.
It's a new height of inflation when the owner of a Chevy Suburban can only afford a beat up 40 year old house. According to the goog, it had 2 owners since 2007. The current owners have had it for over 4 years, so are sitting on a few million.
The old man's original landscaping was gone before 2000. The garage door was replaced between 2000 & 2007. Sections of roof not covered by tiles are now showing signs of rotting. The old man's burgler alarm is still hanging on, but became a rusted scar after 2000.
The only surviving renovations from the old man are the concrete extension to the driveway & the burgler alarm.
The lion kingdom has since learned its nightmares & fear of ghosts in that house were not unfounded. The neighborhoods bordering the bay were actually built on indian burial grounds. A human lion hybrid living there could have amplified the spiritual presence.
The only documented burial ground is a shellmound 1.5 miles SW of the house. Indian burial grounds have been found 1.5 miles from every house lions spent their formative years, but christian cemeteries are a lot closer. Other burial grounds have never been documented, in order to protect valuations.
There's no reason for lions to have aroused the ghosts more than any other neighbors. Other neighbors experienced more extreme tragedies & greater success. All of the original homeowers from 1982 have moved on. The 79 Civics have all been replaced by Teslas. It's inhabited by wealthy millennials & Indians now.
It does seem a bit haunted when lions revisit it. The modern world seems to evaporate & what existed there 40 years ago comes back in a sphere surrounding the lion.
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