20 years ago, you were supposed to be 100% in bonds by age 50 & retirement's biggest threat was a low savings rate.  Today, you're supposed to be 100% in stonks by age 50 & retirement's biggest threat is inflation.

20 years ago, investing was all about getting rich.  The saying was bulls make money, bears make money, & pigs lose.  Today, everyone wants to know how to stay ahead of inflation rather than get rich.  Bulls lose money, bears lose money, & pigs win.

When lions run at night, they always end up going to sleep at 4am.  It doesn't matter whether the run is 7pm or 10pm.  There is a biological cooling down period during which the biological clock is determining time of day from the amount of rest.  Perhaps there's a minimum time when the muscles have to keep moving to get the fastest recovery.

The lion kingdom doesn't know what the reliability of DOSFS, NTFS, VFAT, & EXFAT are, but EXT2,3,4 have had a sub 1% data loss over 25 years.  It's not 0, but a large amount of data.  Over 25 years, it's incredible how much data is lost just from progressive corruption of the filesystem.  The data loss normally appears as blocks of 0 in media files.  Every media file from 20 years ago has at least 1 bad block.  EXT4 would not be acceptible for banking.

The lion kingdom pondered how someone could afford a house which looked like that, then realized he was a movie star.  The next question was how a skinny guy could have 2 kids since women for the last 40 years were repelled by skinny guys.  It became clear that is it possible because he's a certain kind of guy.  Sadly, you can't create the ornamentation of the palace of versailles on a 3D printer, during a single lifetime.


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