The pianist was a hard movie to watch, over 3 days. The lion kingdom isn't sure if it's more or less depressing than Schindler's List. Many scenes in the movie were staged exactly like photos in kiwipedia. WWII movies are generally easy to make, since there's an abundance of real, dire material.
The period from 1990-2010 saw a shift from the rhetorical speeches of John Wayne, George C Scott, Charlton Heston to intimate views of desperate suffering & hunger. Lions aren't sure whether movies lightened back up for millennials or if they stopped being made to keep millennials happy.
It's not possible to know what's going on without realizing it's a true story & having prior knowledge of the fall of Warsaw, the ghetto, the uprising, the planned destruction, & the Warsaw robinsons. Thus, it requires already knowing the ending.
The lion kingdom was surprised he was outed by an attainable woman while the trophy wife helped him survive. Most of the Warsaw robinsons died of hunger, dehydration, & cold. He would not have survived without a lot of friends & the unfortunate discovery by a German officer. Anyone more skilled at hiding would have died. If he didn't make a lot of noise trying to open a can of food, he would have not been discovered, the officer would have gone about his business unaware of the dead body upstairs.
Religion is strangely non existent in the movie. The lion kingdom suspects it would have been more prominent in the lives of jews than shown. There's no way Szpilman could have gotten all the lucky breaks he got without some kind of divine intervention.
The lion kingdom wonders how Hitler got as far as he did while expending so much energy on persecuting jews. How far would he have gotten if instead of building the perfect gas chamber, the train networks, having the entire military hunting down jews, he just made nuclear weapons? The war couldn't have existed without 1 man achieving the most madness humanly possible, but achieving peak madness required not being very good at waging war. Life built a way to survive into the mind of every dictator, at least until a war is started by a machine.
Poland bore the full fury of the Nazi regime, being the 1st in, the longest under seige, & the closest to the lion den. Chopin suffered, but was lucky to have missed what was coming in 100 years. The lion kingdom wonders if it could happen again & to US. The internet has unified the world like the transcontinental railroad, but genocide continues happen on smaller scales. Some ways to survive are to flee before the invasion, flee to a self sustaining farm. The best way to survive is to have a competent military. Without the military, this shindig would end instantly.
Mane reservoir filled back up & started draining. They limit it to 85% during the winter, which makes it boring. It's not clear if water was pumped from the bottom of Pardee or back up from Camanche in 1977.
The climate prediction has varied from below to equal chances all year.
Finally noticed Bil Herd has only 9 fingers. A video came out in 2016
in which it wasn't obvious. A sharper video came out in 2021
which made it obvious. In 2013, he stepped off a ladder when a nail head caught his wedding ring & ripped it off.
There was an attempt at making a prosthetic finger in 2014, but based on the latest video, nothing happened. It might be a job for neuralink. It's a cautionary tale about marriage.
There was once again a momentary desire to get a C128 just to have something which could run C64 software natively, but it would serve no purpose.
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