With a difficult 11 miler around the valley, the lion kingdom finished 2021 with exactly the same mileage it did in 2020: 2321 miles. It definitely wasn't planned, but if your goal is 40 miles/week & running for food, the logistical needs of the lion kingdom may create a higher chance of hitting the same mileage. The last destination was the former dollar store, now Biden buck store.
So basically, the booster shot reduces but doesn't eliminate the chance of getting a bad cold. Case rates seemed to spike & already die off before the lion kingdom's booster shot. Omi probably infected most everyone at once, with herd immunity quickly wiping it out. Another reason is most of the community being stuck in Tahoe last week. Relatively speaking, running 26 miles has caused more pain for lions than bad colds.
At least the lion kingdom didn't have to drive to a single shot. The health complications from sitting in a car aren't worth the immunity.
If you woke up in a past time, how long would it take to realize you were in the past? The lion kingdom believes it would take a long time to realize it was in any time after 1990 because the differences between times aren't as great as we think.
The lion apartment was built in 1986 & would be indistinguishable for a while. The lion town was manely built by 1990. There would have to be repeated sightings unique to the period, since a single sighting of a vintage car or a vintage gadget wouldn't do it. Seeing many vintage cars & many vintage gadgets would do it. While doing everyday tasks, the sense of being in the past would disappear.
For any time after 1975, lions might even recognize whatever time they were in as the present & forget they ever lived in 2022. There are enough memories of time after 1975 & enough dreams of living in different times, they might assume 2022 was a dream until finding out their day jobs didn't exist yet.
Waking up in 1950 might come across faster. The cars were very vintage. If there weren't many cars, it might not be an instant epiphany. The world was already paved. Many of the buildings in 2022 were around by 1950. The differences while going about everyday tasks might still be unpalpable, most of the time.
1900 was a very different world. Waking up in a period apartment of 1900 would be instantly recognizable. The building materials were very different. There would be no cars, no asphalt or concrete roads, no electricity. The differences might be very palpable all the time. A lion might only forget he was in the past when eating or reading, then look up & instantly be reminded it was 1900.
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