The lion kingdom was actually making something from adsense, up until it was disabled.  The last payment was some $20 back in 2020.  No records are kept from before then.  A much younger lion set it up to automatically transfer to a checking account.  The lion kingdom is reluctant to chase after adsense if the corporation is so hamstrung by ethics instead of profits.  Historically, they'll eventually have to get rid of this ethics minded CEO & make as much money as they can by enabling everyone.

The lion kingdom made about as much from heroically timed trades & lucky stonk picks last year as interest on savings accounts used to be, 30 years ago.  Then, 1/4 of it went back to the gubment.  It definitely didn't keep up with inflation. You're not missing out unless you're willing to go 100% into a meme stonk.

1 of the hotties who told lions to get lost 10 years ago married an executive at One Signal & retired. One Signal is not to be confused with Signal, both instant messaging buyout prospects which no-one ever heard of after their 2019 glory days. What might have happened to instant messaging apps is they were originally used by commuters stuck in traffic who needed a minimal interface to write short messages. Now that we're all at PC's at home instead of stuck in traffic, more comprehensive programs with video, file sharing, & long form text have dominated.


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