So the glory days of the eevblog lab went from Nov 2018 to Oct 2020.  It seemed shorter, but it was actually 2 years.  He hardly ever showed it on camera & never showed the view out the windows, despite it being a really schmick space next to a lake.  At least that's the impression his walking tours of norwest business park gave.  Interestingly, the LED lights he installed gave it a yellow backroom lighting.

He rented the underground lab to tenants in 2019, but was already planning on moving back in by Feb 2020.  One of his videos featured a plan to make enough from tentants to pay the rent on the upstairs place, but by Feb 2020, that obviously wasn't working out.

The brief escapade reminds lions of times they had something glorius but couldn't afford to keep it & decades later it only reoccurs as manely forgotten fragments of memories.  


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