About 10,000 years ago, Russia was US's biggest ally in the war against terrorist of the week ISIS, despite just annexing Crimea.  Their involvement in Syria peaked during the last Obama years, so it's obvious that US would have supported Putin when it was worth it.  It was the end of 25 years of generally increasing cooperation.  

Amerikans insist that Putin's decline in the last month is about dependency on fossil fuels & republicans.  The lion kingdom insists it's completely a health problem with no rational motive.  Maybe Putin's liver surgery was the turning point.  Maybe it was an assassination attempt involving lead poisoning.  Putin now sees himself as the modern Hitler, with no other goal than the planned destruction of Kiev.

 With Bide out of sight since Friday, he's obviously doing what he always did, nothing & waiting for everything to blow over on its own.  He's not a wartime president.  All he knows how to do is ask how much money some civil rights group wants & print checks.

The fact that such a large convoy was able to surround Kiev shows the relative strength of the 2 sides.  A convoy that size would normally find it very hard to move against any minimally defended country.  Even a small number of drones would do more damage than we've seen.  Ukraine obviously has no long range artillery, no access to airspace, a very limited drone capability.  They obviously are getting intelligence from foreign satellites.  Rifles & molatov cocktails aren't going to do the job.  

Meanwhile in Bidenville, spokesmen on behalf of The Bide explain "We're not going to put American troops in danger. That means we're not going to put American troops in the air as well" as Bide himself continues to stick to the plan of letting the system take care of itself, not making any appearances.  Quite a contrast to Trump's daily covid press conferences.


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