The mass exodus from Calif* continues to be felt in other ways besides inflation, as Washington creeped a little closer to Calif* by starting to collect capital gains tax. It only applies to gains over $250,000 in stonks so most of it will be paid by renters. Before the exodus, Washington had no capital gains tax. Calif* has always taxed 13.3% of capital gains, the highest in the world. The average capital gains tax is 5%.
The lion kingdom believes most Amerikans have a rosy opinion of socialism because they're not really living under it. They're basing their opinions on their own experience living in flyover states, rather than observing the true policies of socialist states. They assume a capital gains tax hike means 5% instead of 4% & it only applies to gains over $250,000 or whatever money is worth today. They think paying a higher gas tax means paying $4 instead of $3 because that's what they pay. They assume infrastructure spending means spending on infrastructure instead of government pension plans, because what's a government pension plan?
The average Amerikan wonders how bad another 1% on their own 5% capital gains tax could possibly be or how all that money could possibly be squandered. Idahoahans, Taxahans, Utahans have an especially rosy view of socialism because they've never experienced anything close to a real socialist policy.
No, the capital gains tax in a real socialist system is 13% & applies to all gains from 0. Gas taxes actually drive the cost to $6. No, infrastructure spending never makes it to any infrastructure because we really have government pension plans. The government comes back every year & says just 1 more tax is all they'll ever need to fund the infrastructure while it never happens.
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