After a week of rhetoric from the Jay, the lion kingdom still expects the government to manufacture a reason for expanding the money supply & not doing anything to slow down inflation.  They've got war, pandemic, race relations, Kim Kardashian to work with.  It's a rare year that the lion kingdom makes any money, but this might be a year of capturing some of the inflationary gains.

Another thing which lions don't buy is Trump being a dictator.  Look, outside of republican disneyland US is a 2/3 dictatorship, 1/3 democracy.  2/3 of the people work for the government & follow all the rules that entails.  1/3 is the private sector.  2/3 live under mandates, serve the 1 ruler & stay in lock step with the 1 ruler.  The government doesn't do a damn thing for the 1/3 that's outside the autocracy.

A politician who thinks the government shouldn't be 2/3 of the population is called a threat to democracy.  Basically, a threat to the autocracy is a threat to democracy because everyone works for the 1 ruler.

Lions see this in their heads when hearing Liszt.  


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