It came to pass that Nob Hill joined Albertsons in valhalla.  People just can't afford Biden's inflation.  For 22 years, it was the easily walkable solution to the mane's demands.  The plan is to build more condos in its place.  Now, the nearest real food is 1 mile away.

After 4 years, the lion kingdom is arguably not as happy with its mechanical cherry keyed keyboard as it was with the cheaper keyboards.  The light resistance, progressive failure of the spacebar & other keys were a heavy price to pay for a clicky noise.  Compared to the bugs in modern text entry boxes, the keyboard is the least problem.  Maybe a unicomp model M clone was the only mechanical keyboard that was worth it, but they're no longer made.

There is a new desire for a smaller keyboard with enough room to tack on air vents.  

Made 1 last photo of the natural tooth, revealing the fatal crack.  All the teeth have various cracks, but the others are not fatal.  Then it was reduced to a stub & the temporary crown was installed.  It would have been better to photograph the tooth over the years, monitoring the condition of the crack.  It would definitely have been better to wait before the root canal, armed with prior photos of the crack, to decide how urgent the treatment really was.  There's no way to turn back the clock.

After burning $1200 on the tooth, it's obvious that you need a $10,000 emergency fund,  now $20,000 in Biden bucks.  


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