The mountain was packed with what lions thought were preppy startup employees but might have been preppy college students with startup dreams. Really tall, dominant, pale, stuck up women chatted up their planned conquests with their really tall, pale, hipster boyfriends. They were all having a rare exposure to sunlight. That's the difference between the prep school students that A startups employ & the lazy lions that C startups employ.
The common dream for all the Berkeley & Stanford students is to get into an A startup & become rich immediately after graduating. Getting into Alphabet, Meta, or Apple is not even on their radar. They all seemed to be either working for social network startups or planning on working for social network startups. The days of self driving car startups, fitness startups, or food delivery startups are history.
1st Trump & now Elon have kicked off a new boom in social network startups, this time trying to solve the free speech problem rather than the video, the instant messaging, or the VR problem. Maybe Zuck should have called it free speech verse instead of metaverse. Every wave of social network startups is focused in a different problem within the field.
The summit was packed with some guys joking about heroine college shutting down. They thought the buildings were being sold off at a discount. Took a while to figure that out, since heroine college isn't shutting down. It's getting bought out by Northeastern University.
Anyways, the lion kingdom since discovered the water damaged time capsule that was discovered in heroine college. What was left of it was only documented by phone cam & in keeping with the times, never uploaded. There were only some off angle shots of some low res prints on display in a lobby. They were lost memories of a time when heroines became warriors.
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