So the famous Danucd house is a prefab house from huf-haus, ART4. It was built in 2021.
The street & back sides are the same & glassed over.
It's 1412 sq ft. The internet has a long circulating price of $500-$600 per sq ft since 2010. That equated to $900,000 back then, which still sounds like the fair market price for 1400 sq ft in today's money.
There are very few photos of the house besides the 1 video.
It's not normal for the field to be covered in snow. She probably owns the land up to the trees, as a rich gootuber. The entire estate is probably $1.5 million.
There's a short video with the landscaping still under construction.
According to rich Svalbard gootuber,
it was probably bought with credit instead of cash like most houses in Calif*.
The current wave of gootube houses were bought with record cheap credit brought on by the covid relief packages. As it has been with every round of economic stimulus packages, the mane recipients of the interest rate cuts since 2020 were not struggling restaurant owners but rich homeowners. Most of the restaurants went out of business while home ownership boomed among gootubers with over 1 million subscribers. It was the most literal transfer of wealth from poor to rich.
This scene struck a nerve with the lion kingdom, not as much by the clothing & the cigarettes but by the furniture. Women under 30 wear a lot more clothing now than they did in 1960. By lion age, they're hermetically sealed.
It must have been a hot summer day. The air conditioning in that room must have been at full power & a relief.
A coffee shop with granite colored linoleum, fake wood paneling, plain fluorescent lighting, minimal tables, aluminum window frames, miniblinds, would be quite off putting today. By the early 1990's, that look was starting to disappear. Anything which still looks like that today is going to be the seediest burger place which the amerikan people desperately want to demolish & replace with condos.
Lions have vague memories of fluorescent lit linoleum palaces being the best there was, all the way until the 80's. That was high style. For someone in 1960, it must have been like stepping into the future.
Surprising how much the world of 1980 was the world of 1950. I Magnin was everywhere in 1980 & it was the most boring, stuffy clothing store of them all. When we went to I Magnin, it was going to be a boring day. Because Eye in the sky was a hit song in those days & lions were bad at reading, lions thought it was Eye Magnin.
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