The answer is no, you don't stay attracted to women your own age forever.  Attraction seems to end at ages 28-35.  Maybe mentally you continue to be attracted to women your own age but physical attraction ends.  So the age of having physical contact with someone you're physically attracted to is over by age 40 unless you're super wealthy.

Lions suspect most of the animals employed to sit in front of confusers today are doing CAD modeling.  The world constantly needs stuff & all the stuff begins with a CAD model.  Capturing 3D models for movies, architecture,  & manufacturing can only be done by animals.  No-one is getting rich by capturing 3D models.  Industrial designers at Tesla only make $125k, not enough to rent an apartment.

As we head back to a 29 handle, the lion kingdom continues to believe in steady but slow buying on the way down without trying to pick the bottom.  When cash is dear & stonks abound, it's better to be buying stonks than cash.  When stonks are dear & cash abounds, it's better to be buying cash than stonks.  The small cap mutual funds are fighting to survive.  Quite a change from July when the stonk market was buying Elon's "inflation has peaked" tweets.


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