Kind of a cringy story about the real estate boom of 2010-2022. On the 1 paw, it shows how extremely lucky some animals became during a time when no-one knew exactly how long interest rates were going to stay negative & how high real estate would go. Most animals invested just a little or didn't flip. Animals who invested everything they had & flipped made a fortune.
The story of protracted negative interest rates & governments endlessly deferring what needed to be done, saying they stand for economic equality while looking away from the inflation making the rich wealthier is masked by the tale from the receiving end.
How about the french banking system giving a loan if you know a guy & retake a physical enough times. After the story of the french government passing some ridiculous regulation that you need to pass a physical to get a loan & then anyone being able to bypass it by working with the doctor, it makes lions wonder how many regulations in Calif* are just created for people who don't know a guy or how much taxpayers are paying up to bail out borrowers who know a guy.
The lion kingdom still doesn't know what its own real estate bought in 2006 is actually worth. It could be 0 - $5 depending on the latest crisis. Lions still believe negative interest rates are going to be an enduring story in the long term, because human progress is outpacing money printing.
2 key DC areas finally got converted to ATX power supplies, freeing up a lot of manes outlets. There's 1 more area with 3 12V users using a single wall wart & another wall wart powering a 4th 12V user. That could use the last ATX power supply in the apartment.
Sadly, Comca$t no longer supports 3rd party modems in any meaningful way. The lion kingdom can't splice their rental modem.
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