As soon as anyone uses copyrighted music instead of that crummy gootube audio library stuff & even their own compositions, it kicks the video up to a new level. Look, if your own composition was as good as anything copyrighted, you wouldn't be making gootube vijeos.
We might get to a point where everyone just abandons adsense & relies of paytreon. Kind of not surprising that passive aggressive Retro Recipe guy would be one of the few besides Mclionhead who screwed adsense in favor of quality music.
The John Goodman look still trips up lions. Not sure why he picked an actor from 1998 though.
The lion kingdom suspects he's gotten larger in the last 4 years. He continues to work in Hollywood outside of Gootube & owns a large house in Calif*. His recent credits are narrations for the visually impaired.
That vintage UNIX workstation monitor was intriguing. It's quite out of place. Forget about moving those closer to your face. Lions had to wear glasses all through the CRT era.
Lions pondered the idea that after death, animals would reawaken back in their childhood bedrooms on one summer day & repeat their lives over & over like some kind of groundhog day.
After a brief period of excitement, it would actually be very disappointing to go back. Lions have so many more tools & such better furniture now. The childhood bedroom was really the stone ages, although the furniture might have been reasonable until 2022. We had very little because of the old man's general anxiety. Lions overlay their current situation on past memories, but there was really just a pocket radio for music & very little the C64 could do.
Throw in another 40 years of life & all the knowledge gained since then & it would be worth going back. It would then be worth repeating the last 40 years with the same technology of the time but with knowledge of what was coming. The neighbors would never buy another 12 years of public school.
Hussy provided some views of her sister's boyfriend, for those of us who need to know who's winning.
He lives in a converted school bus in the compound. In dating after 50, if you're not living with the ex husband, you're living with the sister's boyfriend. There are going to be men in your life, even if you're not into men.
The church of Apple is now being required to endure autofocus failures or else.
The bear market officially ended today, with the Powell affirming the fed's pivot despite no egg nog & the 1 quart being $5. No-one is buying the tightening bullshit & the lion kingdom doesn't believe fixed income is worth it at even 5%. The passive investing movement & 20 years of getting burned by negative interest rates have animals firmly sticking to stonks.
Classical theory says if everyone is passively invested in stonks & no-one buys debt, interest has to rise to equal stonk returns. Modern theory says interest will always be lower than stonks in exchange for stability & debt will always be paid off by printing money so there can never be a higher return from bonds than stonks, no matter how bad the dip.
Lions still prefer partial investment in bonds & stonks so there's always a contrarian position & room to back up if stonks take a bad dip. Both piles of money are growing for the moment. Everyone expects interest rates to quickly go negative but contrarian positions have historically done better than the herd.
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