Dreamed about being in a game startup & asking how a lot of things were done, in order to apply them to BFR.  The startup was inside the game & it was kind of recursive.  The walls were covered in screens which made it appear to be in space.  It was disappointing to not have managed to do a lot of things in BFR that they could do.  The mane problem was the lack of a purpose for it.  Physics & camera movement were merely difficult but finding a reason to play it was hard.

Programming a game today is different than 30 years ago.  People don't comb magazines & egghead stores for software offerings like they did 30 years ago.  They don't each play a different game & devote their lives to that unique game.  There's 1 game written by a big company & everyone plays that 1 game.  They spend a lot of money promoting it.  

Most new games are minimal effort, intended to get enough attention to monetize a gootube video about the game & be forgotten.


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