While disappointing that the modern industry emphasizes contrived programming problems instead of creating solutions like we did 20 years ago, it's still impressive what kinds of ASCII graphics demos have been created.

These use extremely simple insights into the way trig functions work & show the kind of optimization necessary to make good C64 demos.  It's not all raster interrupt handlers & racing the beam.

The lion kingdom's housing situation is not unlike the college situation.  There are a lot of people who make 1/4 of the average price of $2 million & buy in cash.  There are a lot of people who have to borrow through the nose.  That's why lions don't think there's ever going to be a housing correction.  The natural power curve requires most people to borrow through the nose for what the lucky few can buy in cash.  Entering the housing market for lions is going to be the same as entering college was in 1993.  


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