After spending an hour searching for a new movie, the lion kingdom started on The Meg.  Sometimes it's better to rewatch an old movie than try something new.

Despite being set in China, it was shot entirely in New Xealand. 

Not enough attention was given to the minisub, but lions consider it the most novel part of the show.  A lot of effort went into designing it.  The cockpit uses screens showing outboard cameras instead of a window.

The only other novelty might be the underwater tunnel from the trailer.

There's a glimpse of the minisub cross section.  Incompetent characters & a pretty boring plot kept this one on the watch later list.

The dominant hottie trophy wife was in 2021.  Lions haven't kept track of fight games, but Mortal Kombat seems to be the latest evolution of the Street Fighter games.  The Mortal Kombat movie series began in 1995 & seems to have gone on in a parallel universe.  There's an entire universe of fight movies.


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