Emperor toeatine is dead
The internet loves the wide open spaces of vintage airplanes, but the fact is they needed those open spaces because the only entertainment was a single low definition movie screen. Modern airplanes have more HD movies on board than you'll ever see in your lifetime.
They also had a lot less overhead storage because they didn't have to pay for checked baggage. As far as whether they traveled with more or less junk than today, most of the stuff in those days has been replaced by a phone so animals should intuitively be traveling lighter. No-one travels with big old cameras, lenses, CD collections, tape collections like they used to.
Between all the formerly checked baggage now fitting in the cabin & all the entertainment being in the seat, modern airplanes are cocoons.
Maybe it would be cheaper if checked baggage didn't have a fee & there was less storage in the cabin but the real change might have been more checked baggage space being used for mail.
The most famous airplane set was hardly accurate. The IMDB says it reused the exterior shot from Airplane, the movie. Fabric seats would never be used on a flight from NY to Chicago. The last passenger 707 flew in 1983.
The interior shot was accurate. It must have been the future in 1958. Once again, no cabin storage by today's standards.
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