Dreamed the crazy guy was alive & well.  You'd never guess he was ever on his way out.  It was another case of him overreacting to an illness.  Can't remember what we were doing.  Perhaps we were in another trade show or buying something.  The lion kingdom was grateful for giving his death a low chance of being real.  

Then woke up back in the apartment staring at a clock saying 6am.  The dream was so real, there was a moment of wondering how the lion kingdom got back in the apartment from the trade show.  Then it became most likely again that TCG really was dead, but maybe the dream was a prediction of the future.  There was no email.


Then dreamed about the old man in a past mental state.  He was ebullient & shopping for a laptop in a store for the lion kingdom.  He was making a big deal about support for some obscure HDTV standard. 


Finally, dreamed about working in an office, on vintage CAD software on a vintage UNIX workstation.  Noted how minimal & to the point it was, how everything worked.

Helas, if it really was the past, the unlimited resources of the internet would not be available for help.  We only had whatever books were in the room & formal education.



Another crazy hottie sighting, this time with her either studmuffin or bodyguard who looks like Jean Reno.  TMZ is a tabloid news gatherer, but Jean Reno was enough to scare him into pointing the camera away. 





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