A big bug emerged whereby Cinelerra can't process a compressor applied to a transition.  The compressor reads ahead of the render position, but the transition doesn't exist when the compressor reads that position.  In the past, the accepted procedure was just to render a temporary without any effects.  There was no other way to do it. 

It's now a glaring limitation to not render a transition properly if there's a readahead effect.  There's another case where effects & playback automation change, but readahead effects down the chain won't see the changes at the right time.

Being able to change the playable status of tracks & change the plugins is still rare enough to be neglected.  The transitions are a show stopper.  It needs a big rewrite to dynamically allocate those inside the read calls.

It looks like it was dynamically updating the transition inside AModule::render & VModule::render by calling Module::update_transition.  This conflicted with the trimming for transitions & edit boundaries inside VirtualConsole::test_reconfigure. 

It doesn't create a Module if there's no playable edit or plugin at the current time, but it can still end up needing the Module if a read call goes to another time.  It can't really neglect a track if there's a playable edit or plugin anywhere on the track.



 The lion kingdom remembered when Jesus Heroine's condo went for rent & the $2000 price seemed so astronomical, just 10 years ago.  Now, the lion den with far less space has been the low $2000's for the last 5 years & it feels cheap.  This year, a new lease is around $2500.


Rent inflation is 1 of the biggest risk factors in wealth projections besides employment prospects.  The same tiny space is going to be $50,000/year by the time lions can begin to think about retiring & $72,000 when lions are most likely to retire.  That's going to impact the rate of growth more than anything else.

Income from dividends isn't going to exist until after lions retire because it's all going to taxes.  The hit from taxes is so high, there's a palpable decrease in the value of today's interest income compared to 3 years ago because it's nowhere close to keeping up with inflation.

Return on investment probably peaked in 2021.  Declining interest rates, rising rent, & spotty employment will probably push lion goals to 10 years no matter how good recent performance has been.

In 10 years, rent can be expected to be $72,000.  It's going to require changing jobs.

Lions feel stonks have already priced in .75% in rate cuts this year.  The rate cut boom has left the station, but they won't happen in a form anyone expects.  They'll happen after a dip in the stonk market, as a single surprise .75% rate cut.  The odds are good for a dip in the stonk market in any given year so it's not much of an effort for the fed to predict 3 rate cuts in a year.  There won't be a rate cut before the dip.



If you want a girlfriend, get out of the Bay Area. Almost everywhere else on the planet is better for that. I'm not kidding at all. You’ll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco.

— Jonathan Richard Shewchuk

Pretty much what lions saw over 40 years.  Sometimes the truth actually leaks through a glitch in the matrix.  He's actually older than a lion, despite the photos.  

The wealth curve & polyamory might be bigger factors nowadays than the gender ratio. Unlimited wealth is just always attainable & the wealthiest guys have many wives in the name of fighting population decline so anyone who isn't at least a middle manager in a top tier company is invisible. 

Enough compromises can be made for anyone to hit it off, but these guys endure a lot of misery to check off a box. 


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