Some more pedestrian accessible routes than what lions saw before.  They're single lane, dirt roads, & roads with shoulders.  The 50mph 2 lane on the lion property isn't marked.

None of them go anywhere, but a lion could throw down big unsupported miles without having to drive anywhere.  After driving to greater Gainesville, it's 10 miles from end to end.  Lions don't expect to have their mobility by retirement age, so it's a minor concern.

It's been noted with increasing speed, the injuries are getting more severe.  Achilles tendonitis lasted 6 months in 2023.  There were many slow months to recover from that.  In 2024, flexor digitorum longus recovery is on track to be an identical length.

Lions can avoid injury by limiting hard efforts to brief, focused workouts but in a race environment, the hard efforts go way beyond training & end up requiring many months of recovery.


 The lion kingdom came to a morbid realization when reviewing the TODO list for cinelerra.  It's never kept up with the number of feature requests that would be considered rounding the corner to generate any kind of user base in the last 25 years & now the lion kingdom has 25 years left of normal life expectancy.  


If the past 25 years didn't round the corner, rounding the corner is not going to be a feasible goal in the remaneing time because the requirements are going to keep growing at the same speed.  If the goal can't be rounding the corner, what is the point of completing feature requests whose sole existence is for rounding the corner?  There are forks with a lot more people working on them, which satisfy the needs of a user base.  Part of the process is accepting more bugs.


That's promoting a shift to narrowing the focus of the program & dropping anything whose purpose can't be realized in the last 25 years.

What's probably going to happen in 25 years is not death but cognitive decline.  Family members cease to be mentally viable after 75.   Any mentally demanding activity is going to be over.

In a nutshell, if the time remaneing is the same as the time already spent developing it, progress in the future isn't going to be any more than what was already done.  If it isn't already paying for someone's retirement, it's not going to in the next 25 years.


Among more interesting notes, it looks like other editors have text as a discrete data type in order to have a category of text rendering plugins.  They swap plugins to change text rendering styles instead of having a single plugin with a bunch of text rendering styles.

There could be a plugin which just populates the frame metadata with text specified in its keyframes.  It would be janky.  A 3rd track type with data_type TEXT might work but would be a huge effort.  Lions have never needed this level of text rendering.

In/out points are probably getting dropped from the timeline but left in the VWindow.  That's a big change because it's going to wipe out arrow editing mode, drag & drop in 1 swoop.  Arrow editing mode is basically useless without in/out points.

The leading theory for the vwindow is to select areas between labels.  Double click & shift would allow that, but there wouldn't be any drag highlighting.  Defining selections with labels is more assertive than in/out points.

The labels in the vwindow are still ephemeral.  That's 1 area where clips still allow persistence.


The lion kingdom believes it's 1st movie viewing was the Black Stallion in Hayes elementary school auditorium. Before then, it was afternoon cartoons on a TV.  Confidence is high because the release date for that one came before Popeye.  Popeye was the other one in that auditorium.  They had free screenings on Friday nights.  

The auditorium & original classroom row are still there, 45 years later.

The tree for that house was scrapped in 2006.  Lions have a distorted memory of the floorplan but it seems to be intact. Lions remember a narrow hallway between the garage & kitchen.  The current photos show a room between the garage & kitchen. Fair enough.  The arrangement of bedrooms was forgotten.  It seems to be laundry room in front middle, lion bedroom in front left, 2 bathrooms in middle left, & master bedroom in back left.


Lions remember the front bedroom being where the laundry room is, more cozy than pictured, the door facing back.  It's possible that the interior was completely gutted because the ceilings now have recessed lights, there's an extension, the kitchen was definitely rebuilt.  Memory has the living room taking the entire back left, kitchen in the back middle, & laundry room between the garage & kitchen but that doesn't support the bathrooms.  The gas lines for the laundry room would be hard to move.  The laundry could have been in the garage, a common theme in those days.  That would have put the lion bedroom in the front middle.

The lion would have wanted to be far from the master bedroom to avoid the fighting.  That's another point in favor of a front middle bedroom & master bedroom where it is now.  Lion parents always asked where you want your bedroom during every move & lions wanted to be out of the way.  Just remember staring at a clock in the back of the living room until exactly the right time to leave for school.

It would have been a good place to grow old as a lion living alone.  A family getting along in such a small space during psychosis would have been difficult.  A surprising amount happened in that house despite the short residency.  Lions can't imagine attaining the financial wealth required to feed a family now.   It would have required dual incomes of similar amounts.

Interesting note about creating explosion sounds by blowing into a microphone & slowing it down.  Lions struggled with making rocket engine sounds from stock footage.




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