6 weeks post injury, the ankle was back.  It still takes a long time to warm it up.  Still slightly sensitive & swollen but capable of nearly the same effort as the old days without worsening.  Noted how the injury worsened for 4 weeks, then rapidly recovered.  





Lions aren't worried about the taxes on 100 millionaires, but the NIIT goes up to 5% during Bide's 2nd term & the threshold is not adjusted for inflation.  It's basically a catchall for all income not covered by FICA.  Remember when MAGI of $200k was enough to buy a house? Now that's not even enough for an apartment & it's still the threshold for a 5% tax.  3.5 wasn't the end & neither is 5.  It's going to make FICA look like a discount.

There's a guy who's not worried about losing an election & it's why Trump will never be convicted of anything.  As long as Trump stays on the ballot, republicans will never win.


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