Noted how piousness among genders crossed over in 2016.  Should be noted before then, the gender gap in piousness agreed with cultural traditions & lion observations.  Men were made of Snips, snails And puppy-dogs' tails.  Women were made of sugar & spice & everything nice.  Also noted only 1 data point had women significantly less religious than men & it was in 2021.  Survey results don't reflect average behavior though. 

Should be noted no-one was going to church when the survey was taken in 2021. 



 Watched Dr Zhivago after 40 years away.  It was another VHS favorite the parents watched all the time.  Never understood what was happening but it was always visually stunning on an 80's rear projection TV.  This was the 1st lion viewing in widescreen.

The love story appealed to young lion but old lion saw it as a bit far fetched & overrated. As in most movies, the attraction was only based on propinquity.  What are the chances of him always running into the blond hottie & the blond hottie actually giving a fuck?  After 50 years, a lion has many real experiences of propinquity & none of them ever lead to anything.  The fact is blondie & hero were manely connected through Komarovski. 

 His wife was still a hottie by poor lion standards.  The mane difference is she was short while blondie was tall & tall ones have a lot more value in western culture.

Modern movies are decidedly asexual & definitely asexual compared to the 90's.  It's become very canny how marriage is the end game of old movies but doesn't exist in new movies.

Lions noted the parallels between the russian revolution & today, the government debasing the dollar to keep the rich afloat while more & more animals become homeless.  Instead of a revolution, lions could imagine home owners just ending up underwater & having to surrender their houses to animals with more cash.  It won't happen because it never ends that way.  Violence is the only true mode of commerce, historically.

The outdoor vistas were shot in Canadia & Spain.

Noted the irony of the hero trying to get on the train in the opening scene & then trying to get off the train in the closing scene.



A childhood memory had him working in the palace while 1 of the heroines stayed in the cottage.  She entered the palace & it was all frozen over.  She walked down the long hallway & came to the office which was the only heated room.  This scene didn't exist in the pirated copy lions got.  It might have been in the VHS copy.  The pirated copy also didn't have the VHS intermission which showed the palace.

Sadly, still didn't understand Komarovsky's relation to the heroine.  He claimed to be the business partner of the hero's father & the executor of his will.

The communist general & blondie's 1st husband Strelnikov was not credited.

Some loopholes old lion noticed were how the hero could have gone with Komarovsky & blondie to Mongolia but the movie tried to convey his attachment to Russia being greater than all other forces. 

Noted the hero's 2nd daughter's family was based on the man's high status as a dam operator.  Young lion saw it as her scoring a breadwinner but old lion saw it as a different generation having different values.  His 1st wife might have been based on his status as a doctor but it wasn't clearly shown why they hit it off.  The blondie's connection was the only one based on propinquity.

The hero was conscripted while traveling back to his wife from blondie.  The implication is if he never cheated on his wife, he wouldn't have been captured, but lions believe he would have been captured no matter what.  Also, the wife would have been deported no matter what & the hero would have stayed in Russia alone.  The only reason he survived was because of blondie in the end.

The movie showed if communism was good at anything, it was splitting up families.


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