Another week, another news cycle & stonks were nearly back to all time highs.  Lions only got 3/5 of the way to their stonk allocation goals.  Lions just don't believe in buying when prices are at new highs, the same way they don't pay full price for food. The 401k is already a forced buy at high prices.  Helas, stonks spend most of their time at all time highs.

The airline stonk continued to power higher after lions sold it.  It was nowhere near the highest it ever got though.  Current levels reflect where stonks were during the rate cut enthusiasm of March, but now that level is considered low.

Lions believe Berk gets away without paying a dividend by sheltering interest earnings in a low tax state. 

The adherence of the stonk market to the news cycle is unbelievable.  Maybe lions just noticed it in the last 10 years.  Maybe lions just noticed how meaningless the news cycle is.  As soon as the headline switched from mortgage rates back to Trump, the unforgiving rally continued.


All animals want to see what weaknesses the high & mighty were dealt in exchange for being high & mighty.  Merlin has at least 1 weakness: insomnia.  He resorted to lying in a hyperbaric chamber with an oxygen mask & seeing sleep specialists to overcome it.  It generally sounds like 1 of those eccentric things the very wealthy do, along with hanging upside down, fighting in an arena for no reason, collecting fighter jets.  Wonder if he's into ASMR vijeos.


He was a prime contender for visiting Titanic.  It seems no more submarines for hire are capable of doing that but he probably knows a guy. 


If only there were more soft fluffy animals & less dentists.  It seems the lion kingdom's crown was a failure & will eventually be replaced by an implant.  It could be a problem near the interface.  Drink cold water & it's death by thousands of cuts.  


Not sure why a root canal produces so much pain if it's dead, unless they didn't do a complete job or it's infected somewhere outside the tooth.  Lions went back to stannous fluoride & that eliminated all swelling near the crown, but something's wrong with that tooth.  Lions don't want any other animals poking around it or blowing it with cold air.

It can be more bearable by filling as much space as possible with the tongue.  Eating anything including ice cream is still easy.

The loss of any body part, not just the mane, can be tragic for a lion.  Lions had a lot of tooth extractions in younger years because they weren't coming in the right way.  It seemed to amount to just 2 front incisors.  It wasn't a big deal back then.  After living with the same teeth for 40 years, it will be a big deal.


News media makes the contested area look bigger than it really is.  Sounds like a slow annexation to occur over many generations.  Maybe after Putin is dead, cooler heads will throw them a bone.  The issue will always be gas pipelines, jobs, money, just as it was middle east oil for US. 


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