That hurt just as bad is it did 2 months ago, but decided to attempt a once weekly long run anyways, without inflammation inhibitors.  Could only manage 6 miles before the real pain hit.  A lot of it went at 11 minutes/mile.  A once weekly crusher effort like this could be more beneficial than large numbers of lesser efforts.


The story about the immigrant who borrowed himself into the stone ages after coming to US intrigued lions.  Lions believe going from zero to -million by coming to US is a common story getting buried in the name of bringing in more votes & dough from across the border, but it's a sign of how housing inflation pays for the national debt.

It would be a good racket to pump up housing prices to finance the debt, convert the equity to cash by transferring a massive amount of debt to some chump from across the border.  It can create massive amounts of money without creating inflation by putting an equal number of new bodies in debt.


Giertz update


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