Lions have a growing taste for 4:3 LCD & they believe the industry will have a revival too.  At the same time, a large swath of history was spent painfully watching letterbox video on these displays.  They're super expensive now & very low resolution, but there is a niche for a large 4:3 3840x2880.  They took a lot less space on a desk.

Most of today's content isn't 16:9 or cinematic anymore.  It's vlogs, vertical video, & possibly memes.  It's all being shown on phones.

Will it return to the world of 1999 where generation X all watched gifs slowly load on their 4:3 screens?  Probably not.  Having the option to watch 16:9 video without letterbox is always going to be better than freeing up space.

Damnit Trump.  What we need is Trump to open the border so Kamal opens the  border, then Trump can close the border & win.

US has never had a modern Calif* democrat as its ruler.  Its last Calif* ruler was Reagan, during a vastly different time.  They other 49 are probably in for a shock. 



Lions still frequently have anxiety attacks in dreams, but much  less in real life than years ago.  Living with other animals, it is believed anxiety attacks would return.  They disappeared from day jobs 20 years ago.  Seeking corporate ladder promotions & home runs or facing financial ruin, maybe they would return. 

1 of the possibilities is that lions would have always had anxiety attacks if they ever had a long term relationship, so the ideal path was to live alone on a remote island in Mane, as depicted in Minority report.  The mane challenges in relationships are time pressure & the reality of the other animal being a product of the social order rather than individual desire.  Lions got less tolerant of the limitations as they got older & would probably lose their minds dating now.

Lions have pondered trying to use online dating to promote some videos which never got any views, but the formal online dating world seems to have dissolved.  Most of them are now mating through public social networks, where you already have to develop a brand & a high profile for anyone to notice you.











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