Thinking about the problem of taxable vs non taxable accounts, the pendulum started swinging towards moving as much money market fund to IRAs as possible & non dividend paying stonk to the taxable but there are problems. If more cash is needed than available, you can reallocate back to stonk within the IRA & sell stonk in the taxable. The capital gains tax would be lower.
The problem is timing. It has to be done when valuation in the IRA is relatively high. It's definitely not setting a new high now. That maximizes the principal after transferring to the money market fund. The IRA won't go anywhere by earning interest & there's no way to get the principal back in this kind of transfer. It could be quite expensive to transfer during a dip. Both the taxable & IRA would have smaller positions in their new funds. If the transfer is done during a high, the IRA has a bigger position in its new fund, yet the longer it's delayed, the more tax is owed. It probably has to be dollar cost averaged because of this phenomenon.
There would be no way to access cash in the IRA without paying capital gains tax to transfer stonk back to the IRA. Lions believe any tax in that case would still be less than keeping all of the emergency fund in the taxable account, but it depends on interest rates.
If interest rates go back to 0, there would be no penalty in focusing the taxable account on cash while there could be a new capital gains tax penalty in shifting it to stonk & then having to transfer the stonk to an IRA to access more cash. If interest rates stay high, the taxable account would have more of a penalty from cash than stonk. A diversified approach is what it's been using because the odds are the government has to force interest rates to 0 to service its debt.
Right now, there's a very small dip. Lions would not bet against a Calif* democrat so would be betting on a bigger dip after the election.
11 on the pullup bar. Lions have a cyst in their finger, but there isn't going to be any surgery.
Lions have been such fans of 2x, 4x playback speed in Cinelerra, there hasn't been an incentive to add configurability. It would need a pretty complicated graphic of the numpad with drop downs of the speeds. 1.5x sometimes feels more useful than .5x. .5x is basically only for hottie videos.
As lions age, the hottie videos do seem to grow in number, but they're getting more domesticated.
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