The fabled girl's gym had a fire 1 year ago, right when lions were in NY. It was once intriguing because it was a 70 year old building with a really labor intensive, flimsy truss roof. Some brightness tweeking can barely reveal the labor intensive bits looking exactly like lions remembered. It was since renamed the small gym after the banning of genders.
Young lion assumed an earthquake would eventually bring it down. Who knew the deed would finally be done by fire.
What little was shown looked a lot smaller & lower than lions remembered. The basketball nets were exactly what lions last saw 30 years ago.
They got a $1.75 mil insurance settlement, but instead of repairing it & reopening it, they moved towards demolishing it after 100 years.
They were planning on demolishing both gyms from lion time. If it wasn't for the fire, lions would never have seen the inside again. Lions should try to collect a souvenir from the demolition.
The girl's gym was built in 1923. The theater was built in 1932. There's a mention of heating but no mention of air conditioning since AC didn't exist in schools until after 1950. Also noted how the original buildings were all built in a cluster while later buildings were spread out.
This map came from a larger fire insurance map in 1926,0.006,1.04,1.098,0
The theater is now being torn down after 100 years. It was renovated just 40 years ago, a tick of the clock for lions. There's no budget for manetaining historic buildings or land for building anything new along side them. Most of the lion kingdom's past is already gone.
Lions have music recordings from inside there, but the more nefarious recordings are gone.
The current headline is amazon disabling all kindle downloads. A brief check revealed kindle downloads currently require a registered physical kindle reader which only takes USB downloads. A piece of software won't do.
Anonymous downloads for an app were disabled long ago. They can now only be downloaded directly inside the app. The lion kingdom downloaded a book many years ago to a mac, but Linux never supported the filesystem. It was never possible to unlock that file anyway. All the unlocking web apps require registering a physical kindle reader. The only way to have a copy of a book is to screencap the reader.
It's another story everyone quoted for engagement but no-one ever tested.
The book is definitely not worth installing the only derivative of Linux which can read APFS. Maybe lions will someday be intrigued by Thailand again.
Noted none of the commenters are actually laid off workers. Slashdot is still probably the same users it had 30 years ago, now all retired or financially independent after successful CS careers. The peak passive economy continues.
Relearning some of the pieces lions learned in summer of 1997 because the CP33 might sound better than even the acoustic instruments lions had in those days. It's amazing young lion memorized those pieces. There's no incentive to memorize them now & it's proving much harder. The fact is despite lacking una corda & original sounds, the CP33 sounds better.
These old pieces made lions ponder what would have happened if they kept their minimum wage job in Utah instead of grad school & the events after 1999 played out the same way. They could have fought more for higher income or just worked double time. They were unlikely to keep up with their student loan debt in that situation, no matter what. It would have taken a longer job search & a lot more luck. It might not have led to being discovered the same way. There still might have been a discovery through formal employment.
Grad school added some $45k of debt, a lot more in those days than nowadays, but it's believed to be financially irrelevant in the long term. It did lead to the discovery. Perhaps lions would not have worked as hard if they already had a long term job or perhaps they would have been equally as interested in the project.
What is is what is. Lions should not complain about their situation. Every time lions were unhappy, they saw the same period later on as a happy time. The time they felt the most lost in 1999 was the happiest time.
An acoustic instrument might be more valuable as a connection to the past or a bucket list than the quality of the sound. Without it, the housing problem gets a lot easier. The higher housing goes, the more likely lions will live out their lives renting or in multifamily housing. Housing isn't the buffer against inflation it was. Homeowners are exposed to insurance inflation, tax inflation, utility inflation, manetenance inflation, HOA inflation, special assessment inflation.
It might be a wash against renting for now on. It's always been a wash for animals above a certain wealth. Homeowning has been the biggest wealth builder for manely poor animals. There's a nonzero chance lions could be in a level where renting is smarter, but not in the bay area.
Renting & multifamily housing open up vastly better locations. The ideal situation is just to wake up at noon, walk to eat lunch, walk to get groceries, play games until morning, live on a 25 hour clock. That was a hard life 30 years ago, but robotics have changed the game. These locations are no longer attainable for home owners. A 25 hour clock was ideal for Fl*rida, where you have to schedule around afternoon thunderstorms & peak heating.
Lions track the early retirement, minimal housing gootubers to see how that's working out. They all have a tail wind from pensions & buyer remorse. They're all men. Any women in that situation are usually collecting alimony & never attained financial independence from employment.
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