Then & now
Had the dream about forgetting to move out of the hotel room before checkout time again. In fact, they don't throw away your stuff but they do charge a fortune to give it back.
Another mane cutter falls
If lions had unlimited money, they would buy a JBL Partybox 310 just for the unique circuit board with all jumper resistors.
In hindsight, the pure jumper resistor board lines up exactly with the top panel. To optimize the cost, the buttons map directly to spots on the boards. It was either cheaper to have 2 boards & a ribbon cable than a single big board or there was another product with a variation of the top panel. Given the need to have so much empty space between the buttons, it was cheaper to stuff jumper resistors than fill such a large area with a 2nd layer or wave solder jumper wires.
The other side was bare FR-4.
He later found a broken trace due to water intrusion. You can see the outline of water around the 2 side gaskets.
1 frame shows a hint of how the top panel interfaces with the boards, routing water in those shapes.
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