
Showing posts from March, 2025
  Ahsoka is another utter torturous stretching of a 90 minute movie into an 8 episode TV show, through extreme boredom. The mane event is of course Heroine MacCready in green.  Heroine MacCready either stands still or sits in a cockpit.  She's a general in some kind of Harrison Ford pilot costume despite not flying anything exposed to the elements or using the eye pieces.     Like all movies, the 40 year old women are the most covered in makeup, gloves, hologram effects, or just doing voiceovers off camera, very far off camera.      A green tentacle head 1st appeared in return of the jedi, getting executed by Jabba the hut.  This could have been the basis for Heroine MacCready seeking revenge, but it wasn't.  Heroine MacCready just shows up.  There might be some dynamic in tentacle heads rising from the lowest common denominator to generals & jedis.    The eye candy wraps up in episode 1, before the money runs out...
When the current bear market hit -5%, the lion kingdom took a conservative foray into SWPPX instead of the people's ETF, VOO.  The mane idea was a slightly lower expense ratio of .02% instead of .03%.  The mane problem is it's only traded once per day.  That's why we always see stonk prices suddenly rise at the end of the day.  You place an order, then discover the price paid after hours.  You're not going to get the best price in the short term so it takes smaller moves. Another problem is many believe mutual funds have higher tax penalties than ETF's because ETF's trade creation units at discrete intervals while mutual funds constantly trade individual shares as animals move in & out.  All the mutual fund owners have to pay a capital gains tax regardless of their personal disposition if 1 owner makes money trading the mutual fund.  The rules all sound a bit manufactured. 1 thing that sounds manufactured is the current bear market.  Unli...
  Then & now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Had the dream about forgetting to move out of the hotel room before checkout time again.  In fact, they don't throw away your stuff but they do charge a fortune to give it back.    Another mane cutter falls  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    If lions had unlimited money, they would buy a JBL Partybox 310 just for the unique circuit board with all jumper resistors. In hindsight, the pure jumper resistor board lines up exactly with the top panel.  To optimize the cost, the buttons map directly to spots on the boards.  It was either cheaper to have 2 boards & a ribbon cable than a single big board or there was another product with a variation of the top panel.  Given the need to have so much empty space between the b...
 Through some kind of miracle, a complete copy of 80's classic Edge of Darkness ended up on the hard drive, in very low quality of course. Lion parents watched the hell out of the series in a condensed VHS form which was arguably better quality than pirate vision.   The mane event for lions was the dominant world class hottie daughter.  In hindsight, it was all about her dominance.    When the daughter's mane & dosimeter set off the geiger counter, it was revealed she was always doomed.       When she wasn't on screen, the most entertaining part was the witty dialog of Darius Jedburgh & the invasion of the nuclear waste dump, which lions recall was illegally being used to enrich plutonium. When Jedburgh brought 2 bars of plutonium together, lions believe they formed a critical mass, the neutrons from each bar made the other bar achieve a brief nuclear chain reaction & release a flash of neutrons.  Everyone exposed would be d...