Noted how piousness among genders crossed over in 2016. Should be noted before then, the gender gap in piousness agreed with cultural traditions & lion observations. Men were made of Snips, snails And puppy-dogs' tails. Women were made of sugar & spice & everything nice. Also noted only 1 data point had women significantly less religious than men & it was in 2021. Survey results don't reflect average behavior though. Should be noted no-one was going to church when the survey was taken in 2021. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watched Dr Zhivago after 40 years away. It was another VHS favorite the parents watched all the time. Never understood what was happening but it was always visually stunning on an 80's rear projection TV. This was the 1st lion viewing in widescreen. The love story appealed to ...
Showing posts from April, 2024
How to win at a coin car wash
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The lion kingdom has improved its coin car wash game. It seems to be packed at all hours, as soon as the weather warms up. Dinner time on a weekend might be the least packed. When it's crowded, it's not possible to see if the farthest stall is empty. The lion kingdom resorted to standing outside & staring at everyone. In a practical sense, you have to wait until after driving into a stall to buy tokens. Lions got lucky buying tokens before a stall was empty, but this entailed leaving the car & risking a stall getting freed up, someone else cutting ahead. Highly recommended to buy tokens during a routine run on that route instead of during a carwash. Bring your own water, bucket & soap. 3 gallons or slightly over half the 20L bladder is needed. Dump the soap & water in the bucket 1st. Ideal times are a minimal 3 minute pre rinse & detailed 6 minute post rinse. 3 minutes is just enough to wash off debris....
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The BC_Hash class was 1 of the lion kingdom's very 1st C++ developments in 1997. It was really a dictionary. Lions had very little exposure to common data structures. Sadly, lions weren't exposed to proper dictionaries until 2015. Maybe it was an extremely lazy time or lions just spent a long time in assembly & C. There was a lot of resistance to the stdc++ library in the industry & a lot of alternative libraries like boost were favored. Also, creating maps with any user defined class is hell. That entails writing copy constructors, overloading all the standard operators. It's very hard to debug operator overloading, hence why lions abandoned it. The Arraylist did a lot of neat things the map class doesn't. It protected against array overruns & deleted objects. It was a lot more transparent about what it was doing. BC_Hash was very primitive. It didn't have a common key lookup function. It replicat...
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Oomf. Lions exited that turd at the last possible moment & it was partly from stig aviation. Sometimes you get lucky. The money they burned keeping everyone employed in 2020 ended up costing them in the long term while airlines which unloaded employees in 2020 did better. Starting to look like the next Pan Am, Northwest, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally noticed 1 of these retirement fund equal to 10x your salary memes said "starting". So it's 10x the fast food job or whatever the minimum to survive was. Considering what would happen if lions went back to what they were doing at age 10, the fact is they spent a lot of time just watching TV in those days. It would take a serious decline in health to go back to doing that, yet that's what all the attainable women did. The most likely outcome is to go back to writing useless toy programs &...
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6 weeks post injury, the ankle was back. It still takes a long time to warm it up. Still slightly sensitive & swollen but capable of nearly the same effort as the old days without worsening. Noted how the injury worsened for 4 weeks, then rapidly recovered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lions aren't worried about the taxes on 100 millionaires, but the NIIT goes up to 5% during Bide's 2nd term & the threshold is not adjusted for inflation. It's basically a catchall for all income not covered by FICA. Remember when MAGI of $200k was enough to buy a house? Now that's not even enough for an apartment & it's still the threshold for a 5% tax. 3.5 wasn't the end & neither is 5. It's going to make FICA look like a discount. There's a guy who's not worried about losing an election & it's why Trump will never be convicted of any...
Investments vs pensions
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It's been the big question for all time. The internet abounds with anecdotes about pensions. Almost all pensions these days are for government employees only. The internet shows $26k/year for state governments, taxed as regular income. The internet mentioned 1 with a $28k/year pension & $200k fund which lions believe is rare. Most animals are going to have under $20k/year pensions. Lions believe it could take many millions to equal the value of any pension, since no passive investment will ever keep up with inflation. On the other paw, if an animal gets really lucky & gets a 10% return on stonks, a pure stonk fund only has to be $400k to equal a pension. That would devote 3.5% of the yield to inflation. The lion kingdom will not get 10%. It's in treasuries & slightly higher mutual funds. The maximum in a real good economy would be a 3.5% yield after inflation. That would need $800k in stonks to equal a p...
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Another week, another news cycle & stonks were nearly back to all time highs. Lions only got 3/5 of the way to their stonk allocation goals. Lions just don't believe in buying when prices are at new highs, the same way they don't pay full price for food. The 401k is already a forced buy at high prices. Helas, stonks spend most of their time at all time highs. The airline stonk continued to power higher after lions sold it. It was nowhere near the highest it ever got though. Current levels reflect where stonks were during the rate cut enthusiasm of March, but now that level is considered low. Lions believe Berk gets away without paying a dividend by sheltering interest earnings in a low tax state. The adherence of the stonk market to the news cycle is unbelievable. Maybe lions just noticed it in the last 10 years. Maybe lions just noticed how meaningless the news cycle is. As soon as the headline switched from mortgage rates...
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Finally caught up with generation X by watching Failure To Launch. The generation Z version was No Hard Feelings. Both were about parent hired escorts who became more. 33 year old Hunger Heroine reprising her role as a dominant warrior definitely worked better than 41 year olds Sarah, Jessica, & Parker. Actually recognized the final bar scene from syndication but forgot the rest. The highlight might have been Dr. Werner Brandes making an appearance. Sarah, Jessica, & Parker peaked in Navigator Lions pondered why No Hard Feelings did so much better than Failure to Launch on the internet. Both had the big stars of their time. Lions believe the McConaughe y character was not likeable for his time. Nowadays, polyamory is a hit because of Elon & the population decline gag. In 2006, a guy who wasn't very wealthy, chewing up women & spitting them out might have revived negative memories of Bill Clinton....
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5 weeks in, zoom climbs to 10 min/mile from 12 min/mile are the new plan. Might even try 12 minute/mile for 1 minute & 9 minute/mile for a certain amount of time & let the ankle swell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some big bugs bubbled to the top. It deletes a file which isn't selected if the user ctrl selects & deselects the file. What it probably needs to do is if anything in the list is selected, it needs to delete just what's selected. If nothing in the list is selected, it needs to use just the textbox. This probably needs to be the universal behavior. It also loads files which aren't selected. Had 1 case of the keyframes getting crossed when titlers on 2 different tracks were tweeked but couldn't reproduce it.
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Don't believe the lion kingdom ever watched its HD potato quality copy of Indiana Jones & the last Crusade. Surprised the boat scene was shot in England. Very little of Tilbury docks still resembles 1988. These 3 buildings appeared several times. Damage on the roof of 1 is still visible. Smoke stacks are definitely gone. It was the best looking of all of them. The bright sun of summer in Spain made it all pop. Even the 1920x816 copy isn't as good as the film must have been. Still don't know if guys really sat on peers all day picking up ropes from docking boats. No-one was there in 2013. The economy obviously improved over 25 years, as bad as 2013 was. Lions have a tape copy of Vivaldi Gloria from 1995 the_byron_mussorski.wav & there's a gootube copy actually played in Venice. The gootube copy is all heroines while the tape copy has men. Sounded like an unhappy time for old Baldi....
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Finally watched the pirate vision copy of this thing. Lower resolution than the TV version but wider view. It seems DARYL was the beginning of the end of most of the acting careers in it. Barret Oliver after peaking in Neverending story, went down the tubes after this. The world class, hottie, trophy wife sister was done acting after this. There was 1 shot of her in 2006 at age 40, dear god. She became a 2nd grade teacher & then a psychologist so must have been hard up for cash. There was no telling young lion the anxious scientist wasn't John Lithgow but he wasn't. It was a very convincing imitation though. His career took off. Young lion didn't know anything about the plot, so the 1st shock was how cold the wealthy parents appeared after reuniting with the lost kid. Couldn't figure out why they treated the kid like a machine but it seemed plausible for wealthy families to do that. To old lion, it's still a bit c...