
Showing posts from July, 2024
 So the story goes, if you burn $50k on a piece of fine art, the art appreciates to $150k as the gubment debases its currency, 1 option is to sell it like a stonk & recover $116k after paying $30k in capital gains tax.  Another option is to donate it & deduct $75k from taxes.  Lions never saw any value in buying art in order to shelter money from taxes unless the original goal was to donate money.  Instead of donating the original $50k, you'd earn $25k after the currency fell & donating the original amount.  Average inflation during a tripling of art prices would be 3% so you'd get ahead of average inflation. Automatic 401k enrollment was the big deal lions didn't ponder enough.  That's driving the current bull market.  Presumably, it'll continue until animals start trading inside their 401k's, change jobs, or more employers drop 401k's.  The lion kingdom's last job did not provide a 401k for 2 years.   The current generation...
  Strangely fulfilling to do something as completely worthless as commodore 64 development, with digital versions of the same documentation lions had 40 years ago & modern cross development tools.  Part of it is finding the right project. It's manely based on a finite number of things lions imagined 40 years ago but never could finish.  The questions to be answered are if they could have been done & what the alternative past would have looked like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The $50k emergency all animals need to prepare for is a car recall where the part is no longer made.  The DMV rejects registrations until all recalls have been repaired.  They give 4 years to do the repair.  There are so many recalls in modern times, it's best to let them accumulate until the last minute or face many days of being without a car.  There's a real chance that you ...
 That hurt just as bad is it did 2 months ago, but decided to attempt a once weekly long run anyways, without inflammation inhibitors.  Could only manage 6 miles before the real pain hit.  A lot of it went at 11 minutes/mile.  A once weekly crusher effort like this could be more beneficial than large numbers of lesser efforts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The story about the immigrant who borrowed himself into the stone ages after coming to US intrigued lions.  Lions believe going from zero to -million by coming to US is a common story getting buried in the name of bringing in more votes & dough from across the border, but it's a sign of how housing inflation pays for the national debt. It would be a good racket to pump up housing prices to finance the debt, convert the equity to cash by transferring a massive amount of debt to some chump from across the border.  It can create massive a...
  Pretty sure he did the same thing back in 2020.  Got to look good for the vice president campaigns.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Paw war went another week with no detectable improvement.  It can recover by walking for a week, but 1 short run & it's back to ground zero.  Started using the Lunas to intentionally aggravate a different section than the EVA's.  Eventually, the paws recover from the EVA sensitized section & the EVA's can be worn while the Luna aggravated section recovers.  The Lunas aggravate a section closer to the toes while the EVA's aggravate a section near the heal.  Not taking vitamin C seems to have promoted more inflammation & in lion minds, accelerated the recoveries.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Furiosa was not a movie ...
  It keeps getting hotter & more sustained until peaking in late august.  The question remanes of when the best time to open the window is.  Some of the extreme events in 2020 were from getting erroneously high outdoor temperatures from wunderground & waiting hours after the outdoor temperature was really low enough.  The temperature of the balcony proved useless.  Another idea is moving the outdoor weather station to the window.  This would also be well above the actual air temperature.  There might be a role for humidity measurement.  The lion kingdom has plenty of sensors. The best method so far has just been waiting until outdoor temperature is 4 above indoor temperature. Reviewing the 2020 data, the peak indoor temperature was 104 on 2 consecutive days in September.  Those nights hit 97 at midnight & 87 in the morning.  It routinely hit 98 indoors, just like this year.  Expecting to surpass 104 this year because we'...
  National debt rounded the internet again, as it nears 35.  Debt per taxpayer is almost 1 mil.  That's the buying power you can expect to lose to inflation over your lifetime.  Lions have currently lost $267k to inflation.   Lower interest rates & higher inflation are the only way out.  There isn't going to be higher productivity  or lower spending.  They'll just raise housing prices as much as necessary to back the debt in assets & subtract the price of everything else to keep inflation below 4%. Democrat party faithful, these days.  They still won 8 years after the same turmoil in 2008. 
 There's a new theory that excessive vitamin C can cause injury as much as too little vitamin C.  The idea is to get just enough inflammation to promote tissue manetenance. That's the leading theory behind the constant ankle issues which began in 2023 & escalated into a ligament tear by 2024.  Experiments varying the vitamin C dose have been promising.  When taking 2g every day, it was basically going nowhere.  Taking 1g every day, there's more pain overall, but promising signs. Gradually eliminated all the vitamin C besides the multivitamin.  Since dropping back from 2000mg to 60mg per day, the paw seemed to do better.  Quite possible that vitamin C megadosing more than old age or sandals was behind the rash of injuries beginning in 2023.  It might have to be reserved for harder efforts & avoided during recovery phases.  Stepping the speed back up to 9 min/mile would quickly show if vitamin C was the problem. Another theory is that i...
  Virtual machine tip: start your windows VM with networking disabled. Disable updates as long as it allows before restarting networking. Surprised no-one has ever questioned why updates have to be mandatory, but that's the generational shift since 1999.   Softies can cry lions a river.     A career at JPL was still unattainable.      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   BBQ lion today  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
 Bull markets like the last few days make lions ponder the plan.  The plan is to only take money out to fill cash needs during bull markets, but how does one determine a bull market?  The market has a long term trend.  It's not perfect but it's been better than nothing. It seems there's no substitute for just being old, to know what is a pop or a dip.  It really depends on a lot more than the number, what's driving the change, headlines, monetary policy, personal financial position. It takes a long time to have enough money to take risk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Made lions ponder who the middle age, lifetime, single male & single female gootubers are. Askjapan is actually married.  The only single female gootuber lions are aware of is the trans one: Fran Blanche The others are either polyamo...