So the story goes, if you burn $50k on a piece of fine art, the art appreciates to $150k as the gubment debases its currency, 1 option is to sell it like a stonk & recover $116k after paying $30k in capital gains tax. Another option is to donate it & deduct $75k from taxes. Lions never saw any value in buying art in order to shelter money from taxes unless the original goal was to donate money. Instead of donating the original $50k, you'd earn $25k after the currency fell & donating the original amount. Average inflation during a tripling of art prices would be 3% so you'd get ahead of average inflation. Automatic 401k enrollment was the big deal lions didn't ponder enough. That's driving the current bull market. Presumably, it'll continue until animals start trading inside their 401k's, change jobs, or more employers drop 401k's. The lion kingdom's last job did not provide a 401k for 2 years. The current generation...