
Showing posts from October, 2024
 The 3 inflation traps for young players are deflation harvesting, the substitution rule, & the 1 year time span.  After 1 year is up, it doesn't matter how high it was.  It goes back to 0. Reading about the millennial husband whose inlaws gave him/his wife nothing, the world owes you nothing especially from inlaws.  The lion kingdom got nothing.  If the lion kingdom got entangled in a marriage with kids who expected financial aid, that would have been a bad outcome.  Lions wouldn't have had enough to make much of a dent in college or housing. The taste of Calif* wealth transfer you know & love.  The Calif* democratic party is a machine which has operated with impunity for 20 years & knows it can't lose.  They can reallocate anything to anyone.   Always down hackaday used to have the last of the inventing in the western hemisphere, but is now either down or all spam. Noted muscular, mexican, tesla driving hottie wife downstairs is gone by 8am & doesn't g
  It's not about the video as much as the comments.  Oh the legions of low status programmers who lived out their lives frequenting brothels & never had a relationship.  Sadly, like many brothels, this one seems to have had unscrupulous people managing it & closed.  The owner was just trying to get out of debt.  Once he had enough money, he split. The confirmed bachelor commenters provide interesting examples of guys who are actually making money in the software business.  He's 12 years older than the lion kingdom but still working it seems. Basically, replace ruby, swift, java with kotlin, pytorch, react.  The money is still in devops, mobile apps, web apps.  He seems to have quickly ditched the web app stuff for AI in recent times, just to make money.  You really can't do your own thing but have to constantly make your own what the industry has decided the current thing is.  You have to treat the industry like your b
     An extensive redesign of Cinelerra's capture settings led to a dedicated input format menu & only 1 video4linux2 driver.  Widgets finally had to get more condensed to fit it all in .  Certain input formats lock the file format inside FormatTools::update_driver. For other input formats, it tries to match the file codec with the video codec with calls to File::get_best_colormodel.  These have been programmed on a case by case basis so only a few cases are supported.  While young lion wanted a format agnostic program, the reality is it only ever needed 1 file format for recording & possibly a few more for rendering.  Recording always goes to an intermediate.  ffmpeg is bad at writing quicktime but it's good at everything else.  Quicktime & command line are the only 2 formats it needed for recording.   Tested against all the lion kingdom's video4linux2 devices.  The original PCI cards with TV tuners are all gone, but video4linux2 is alive & well with USB co
  Satan worshiping starter pack.    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          A movie so bad that lions completely forgot about it but always found visually intriguing was the Truman show.  Ebert gave it 4 stars, but he liked all art movies as a practice.   The dominant wife outside her comfort zone was always a turn on.  She looked kind of like a terminator.  Lions were never attracted to the submissive one.         The behavior of the dominant wife only existing to sell products was more opaque, 30 years ago.  Nowadays,  that's the only contact you ever have with anyone online & the movie is forgettable.  The only interaction most animals ever have is with someone just trying to sell & modern marriages are all businesses just like the movie.   Of course, the submissive one was really single.  The dominant wife would have had a real husband in real life, in addition to the fictional
  The lion kingdom's beloved 2nd motherboard made it to the gootubes.  Rarely did lions get so excited about something as the arrival of their Asus BP6.   Discovered consumer level SMP from Alan Cox's blog & then began searching for a video editing upgrade which lead to the BP6. That was really a life changing upgrade, but the IDE interface was problematic when using a CD R/W. It needed PIO most of the time.  Sadly, that seemed to be the end of doing anything that was previously considered productive.  In those days, fully utilizing SMP 550Mhz Celerons was only possible by writing your own software. Most animals only benefited when compiling the kernel.  There wasn't even anything for Windows.  It was like an old fashioned UNIX workstation, requiring all custom software. Young lion invested a lot in creating SMP video codecs for it.  There were a small number of videos of it.  Sadly, the only video showing Windows NT & Linux running video programs was only 193x323
Gootube in a nutshell: Jerry Pinkas: move to South Carolina Casey Neistat: move to New York Louis Rossmann: New York sucks  Adafruit: slowly realizing New York sucks Azul: retire as soon as you possibly can Dave Ramsey: the bum next door is a millionaire Eevblog: I'm rich Jimmy's world: I'm rich Mr. Beast: I'm rich Linus: I'm rich Smarter every day: god every day Everyday Guy: I get close to famous guys Retro Recipes: Passive Anakin rage Fran Blanche: Pay me LGR: Sims 8 bit guy: retrobright everything Techmoan: obsolete tape formats Wonderhussy:  where is generation X now? Technology connections: no effort Nov-Oct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lion kingdom had a fake linkedin account for over 15 years, then finally made a comment & it was instantly disabled.  They require a unique phone number for every account & it probably didn't have one before it was repor
 When women over a certain age hook up, they have to sell their houses & pay capital gains tax to move into hubby's always larger house.  Since 1997, the rule has been regular income tax if they owned it less than a year, capital gains tax if they owned it 1 year & no tax if they owned it 2 years & earned under $500k.  That might explain the instant tripling of housing prices after 2000.  When lions entered the workforce, they faced a future of buying a $50k house.  Now, that future is $600k, all offset by falling broadband costs. It's an example of how much more a tax cut can grow the GDP to offset the national debt, as opposed to raising taxes.  Maybe higher taxes would have improved lion situations by suppressing housing inflation, but the gubment couldn't afford higher taxes. The wonderheroine stunt double owned a 3 story townhouse in Atlanta for 3 years & made only $160k profit.  The HOA during that time took $17k.  The property tax was $24k, bringing t
 Who knew John Sutter employed legal slavery in Calif* before 1850 & slavery of the natives continued to be legal in Calif* it seems until the civil war.  Sutter's fort was probably built by slaves, though their mane use seems to be agriculture. Both Sutter & Marshall died penniless, despite discovering gold.  Sutter was heavily in debt trying to build businesses before the gold rush.  Apparently,  slavery wasn't a free lunch as there was no more labor to run their businesses after the gold rush.  They got driven off the 48000 acres the mexican government granted them in 1840.  It was not an enforceable grant after the mexican government surrendered. Sutter's mill was never finished once the gold rush began.  They were not able to capture a profit from any of the gold on the land. Apparently, it was still capital intensive & risky to mine for gold.  Most profit was made by supplying the miners. The great challenge with Calif* is keeping the money after winning i