Satan worshiping starter pack.

 A movie so bad that lions completely forgot about it but always found visually intriguing was the Truman show.  Ebert gave it 4 stars, but he liked all art movies as a practice.
The dominant wife outside her comfort zone was always a turn on.  She looked kind of like a terminator.  Lions were never attracted to the submissive one.

The behavior of the dominant wife only existing to sell products was more opaque, 30 years ago.  Nowadays, that's the only contact you ever have with anyone online & the movie is forgettable.  The only interaction most animals ever have is with someone just trying to sell & modern marriages are all businesses just like the movie.
Of course, the submissive one was really single.  The dominant wife would have had a real husband in real life, in addition to the fictional one.  That aspect was never in the movie but would have been a twist.  Neither did they follow through with trying to have a baby in the fictional world.  Truman would have to be virgin.
The loose ends could have made a good sequel.  As a bad movie, it lacked any kind of payoff involving reuniting with the submissive one.  Then the crew was all laid off.  He probably had no money after his lifetime of imaginary employment.  He might have gone on a quest to find his real father, but it was shown that he was an unwanted pregnancy.  The guy playing his father still wasn't the real father but a disgruntled actor.  The lion kingdom's father never met his 1st son & that's the way most families are.

 That was life in the 90's.  The ubiquitous boom boxes are all gone.  They're just speakers now.

The set reveal was kind of typical for the time, a vastly simpler model than what it really would have taken, but no-one was going to freeze frame long enough to notice it.  

 There was 1 photo quality overview.


Then of course, the location was 1st in Burbank & then in Anaheim, but no-one could easily inspect a satellite view in those days.


 Dominant wife's last scene was 55 minutes in.  Truman was alone for the last 41 minutes. They wrote out the dominant wife.

Lions never knew the significance of fingers crossed in marriage photos.  In western culture, it means the wife isn't serious about the marriage.  It's contrary to the convention of hoping for good luck.

Old lion noted the parallels in how the economy, natural disasters, politicians are manufactured by the media into a kind of Truman world.

The town was in Fl*rida & 1 of those places not long for this world in the new hurricane pattern.  The houses are now $4 mil & beyond.  They might all be short term rentals.

The idea that something so idealized & fake was actually a real town must have been a hit with baby boomers.  The trick with Fl*rida is it's manely designed as a place money goes to die so purely non functional art towns designed to resemble a movie are possible.  Lions could imagine a star wars themed town, harry potter themed town, or a back to the future themed town actually existing, where rich retired generation Xers live out their lives.

The downtown was digitally edited to look more functional.  As captivating as living in  a movie themed town  is, lions can't afford anything in places like that.

Actors were easier on the eyes 30 years ago.  Women are being casted younger & being made to look younger because the resolution is higher.  Dominant wife was 35.  Furiosa had a 28 year old heroine.  Ghostbusters heroine was 18.  After 30, they're a lot more covered up than they used to be.  Being younger also makes them look dumber.
Continuing to rerecord the Hi8 tapes, lions noted Cinelerra isn't filling frames anymore.  Never did understand how video stays synchronized when filling frames is disabled & the frames behind gradually decreases on its own.
Noted the picture settings file accumulated duplicates because the keys have spaces.  The easiest solution is for bchash to replace spaces itself.  The prevalence of HDMI & webcam capturing can sort of justify continuing to improve recording.  There's nothing else which can do what it does.

Noted once you start recording, changing the path doesn't cause it to start a new file.  This seems to be the intended behavior because it continued Broadcast 2000's 1 recording session, 1 file workflow.  The path was only for creating batches.

For the user to have complete control of the output colorspace in FileStdout, the user would ideally deterministically control the input colorspace in the video driver.

While there's a desire to go to a single Video4Linux2 driver with an option for the colorspace, there are actually multiple variations of JPEG encoding.  So far, it's relied on hacking the source code to get different webcams to work.  It possibly could search for the missing headers on its own or have 1 of the colorspace options be JPEG without headers.  The webcams were a keychain cam, fisheye cam, logitech cams, HDMI importer.  They would all have to be tested.

It was previously trying to negotiate the best colormodel for showing the recording monitor & a different best colormodel for writing to the file.  It's always been impossible to read the nest of virtual functions & lions have pondered going back to a single switch statement.  The virtual functions now all  need a colorspace argument. FileMOV::get_best_colormodel is a good argument of why it can't be a switch statement.  There are a lot of colormodels.  
It probably needs to be split into get_play_cmodel & get_record_cmodel.  That's not as simple because some file formats return just 1 colormodel for play & record.  get_best_colormodel just needs an input config & output config.  The user can request playback or recording by setting an argument to 0.


Some semblance of the lion kingdom's 1st multimeter is still being sold, for 3x the price.  These quickly blew up.  There's no longer a current measurement at 400mA.  There's a $15 one with a 200mA current measurement.

It would be purely a nostalgia piece.  Only Dave collects multimeters as part of some strange marriage therapy.



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