
Showing posts from February, 2022
About 10,000 years ago, Russia was US's biggest ally in the war against terrorist of the week ISIS, despite just annexing Crimea.  Their involvement in Syria peaked during the last Obama years, so it's obvious that US would have supported Putin when it was worth it.  It was the end of 25 years of generally increasing cooperation.   Amerikans insist that Putin's decline in the last month is about dependency on fossil fuels & republicans.  The lion kingdom insists it's completely a health problem with no rational motive.  Maybe Putin's liver surgery was the turning point.  Maybe it was an assassination attempt involving lead poisoning.  Putin now sees himself as the modern Hitler, with no other goal than the planned destruction of Kiev.  With Bide out of sight since Friday, he's obviously doing what he always did, nothing & waiting for everything to blow over on its own.  He's not a wartime president.  All he knows how to do i...
 It was a sad day for spacefans as the mighty Buran transporter was shown destroyed.  Who can explain the madness of a man who destroys the airplane built for his own space shuttle.  It transported 2 RD-181 engines for orbital sciences but it actually wasn't the mane airplane used by ULA & SpaceX.  The mane airplane was the AN-124 which last transported a satellite for SpaceX in Dec 2021 & routinely transported ULA rocket stages.  The AN-224 actually was mothballed from 1994-2000, then saw limited use after 2000. Maybe it would have transported larger starship payloads.   There was a brief attempt to build a 2nd one from 2006-2009. Human progress is taking big steps backwards. If the doomsday clock was still being updated, it would show midnight now. Their updates over the last 70 years give the impression that human life had a long run, only to rapidly approach an end in the last 70 years. Aside from the current escalation, the 1960's & 1...
  Thank god Ukraine didn't elect Biden. The lion kingdom watched 300 & knows what's eventually going to happen.  Maybe they can wage an insurgent war against Russia which lasts for the rest of our lives.  That can be effective at dragging out the conflict.  It'll probably get split into 2 countries down the Dnieper river. The last time what was arguably a developed country got attacked by another developed country was WWII.  Current generations have only known wars between terrorist factions in undeveloped shitholes like Kuwait, Syria, Iraq,  Djibouti.  We've never seen world class trophy wives holding guns in their custom $2 million homes & watching the gootubes on their Macbook Airs during an air raid. There's other coverage from
  Why now instead of 4 years ago.  It's all happening as Pute predicted.  The destruction all seems unnecessary on account of Bide not having the least interest.  It's not the asymmetric war US struggled with in the middle east for 20 years.  US is equipped to easily finish the organized Russian military. Between doing nothing about the ports shutting down to doing nothing about semiconductor factories shutting down to doing nothing about inflation to doing nothing about Russia, doing nothing is now getting a lot of animals killed. It was a confuser animation.  Then came the same emptiness whenever lions realize something is fake & they were living in a parallel universe.  A few bits didn't make sense, like how modern jets could ever get that close together & how Ukraine still had any air force.  All the airports are controlled by Pute & there are certainly no supplies to feed a jet....
  Pute annexed Crimea in 2014 & Ukraine in 2022. The lion kingdom doesn't understand why the amerikan people blame Trump if he wasn't even president in 2014. 2 leaders were very focused on social welfare programs, climate change & clearly never going to act on any foreign crisis. 1 leader in between was focused on the military & was a lot more likely to respond to a foreign crisis. What Joe Robinette could really do without escalating it into WWIII is unknown. The problem is a lot more of Europe is next if he continues the current path of sleeping. This one implies it's the last ghasp of a dying regime & it could all be over if Fred Rogers 46 simply regained air superiority. Pute doesn't currently have enough money to rebuild the USSR, but could depending on how long Carter 2.0 sleeps . Back scratcher finally got designed.
  Some of the last HD video from Kiev showed a large traffic jam.  Weak leaders bring hard times.  Bide will get around to delivering remarks, later.
 Noticed the weather wall reported 38F during the daytime, which was quite extraordinary.  Looked outside & sure enough, there was snow on the ground.  It was the 1st snowfall in at least 20 years.
 Married millennials always talk to each other like they just met.  "You're in middle management?" sounds a bit weird for people who tied the knot 6 years ago, but this is interspersed with the age old marriage trope "Are you listening to me?" Alphabet corporation has ended the party again.  They obviously don't like the downloading.  Is this the final ending of free downloads of overpriced, crummy home vijeos?  Will there be another workaround?
It took 25 years to finally realize vi doesn't draw anything in the bottom line.  It presumably allowed editing in the bottom line when a command wasn't being entered, but when a command isn't being entered, it leaves it blank.  The lion kingdom believes it 1st learned how to use vi in 1997.  Millennials all use nano, which reserves 3 lines for commands.    
Bald eagle lead poisoning   Rossguy finally revealed he broke up.  It always felt like he was satisfying a rite of passage rather than enjoying it.  He seems too independent.  He would be the last one standing after an apocalypse.   Running down shorelines & bike paths as lions do is a bad way to determine social organization.  Most of the people in those areas are in 1 age group, tourists & affluent, but don't reflect the total population.  It makes more sense when comparing lion experience with total experience that most men live alone & the rejection rate is very high.  The 40% figure for men reproducing is from 1 point in their total lives.  
Image Millennials who currently have it together at an age when the lion kingdom was clueless. Millennials who had it together at an age when the lion kingdom was clueless & then reaped the rewards in middle age. Then there are the classmates of lions who had it together 30 years ago & now are doing CNBC interviews.
  Lacking any more good new movies, it was time to revisit the mane's favorite character & erase the memory of the 2017 remake. Enchanted castles were a lot more enchanting before rich millennials started making vijeos of their own castles. Then, it became obvious that they're really cramped inside & worn. Even the most extravagant french chateaus have as many rooms as possible to get the most utility. What was shown in the movie took the entire wealth of a country to create just 1 of. Stuff in real chateaus doesn't line up & tends to be cracked, rusted. They tend to have a lot of visible pipes & wires because they were built before indoor plumbing . Wiring tends to be outdated. The nature over nurture movement is a dangerous thing. It means millions of people have to continue dying in wars because war is not a choice. The media is milking as much Ukraine/Russia tension as possible. The lion kingdom still sees it as no more than a test to probe Bid...
The government saw its biggest decrease (5%) in debt to GDP ratio in 20 years, thanks to inflation.  According to FRED, debt to GDP has rewound 2 years.  The producer price index hit 10%.  The lion kingdom was surprised how normal 10% inflation can be.  You just accept that everything is higher on a daily basis & don't curb your spending. In news that surprised no-one, the jetson nano page that everyone has been reloading was changed from being restocked on Feb 19 to being discontinued. Interestingly, showed it still in production as recently as May 2021. Nowdays, it's incomprehensible that an embedded GPU ever existed for such a low price.  If embedded GPUs ever come close to that performance again, they're going to be thousands of doll hairs. The lion kingdom wonders if any government could force TSMC...
  Bring back the 70's house. Bring back generation X. Surprised someone super high strung got picked for the 1st test of the SpaceX EVA suit. She must have been the most stressed character in the Coundown series. Dragon II is so easy to fly, a stressball would have no problem on a tried & true mission, but EVA's are a big deal. Suspect all 4 of them are going outside the capsule & none of it is going to be televised, based on how Inspiration IV was handled. If someone freaks out, they're not going to risk a PR disaster by showing it. Suspect Polaris is going to have a lot in common with Inspiration 4. Being Isaaaac Guy's fair & equitable style, all 4 of them are going to take turns going outside the capsule. Someone will stay in the capsule in case they become untethered. Maybe 2 at a time will go outside while 1 mans the thrusters & 1 stands near the hatch ready to pull them in. The internet has speculated they would dock with an airlock in the t...
 Now suspect Putin's bid for Ukraine is going to fizzle like the Cuban missile crisis.  He tested the water to see what would happen & got enough of a response to realize it was a lost cause.  It would have been different if no-one else did anything, but US eventually built up a military presence. Eventually, Russia won't have a subpar military compared to US & there is going to be war. What lions were told was coming in 1990 finally came to pass. There really are less relationships of any kind. The lion kingdom was never very excited about sex. It paradoxically might have been from being over sexual in puberty. The more sexual an animal is in younger age, the more likely he is to get sick of it early on, like eating too much chocolate. Millennials were told relationships are declining because of increasing distractions, but we were told it would happen because of decreasing necessity. Without economic necessity, relationships would be more dependent on havin...
  The lion kingdom couldn't believe they started selling jetson nano accessories, 2 years after the jetson nano was discontinued.  Why not sell a 3dfx accessory kit? There is a very small chance they thought the product would be reintroduced in the near future.  More likely, they were desperate to get rid of all the SD cards & power supplies they stocked before the product was shitcanned.  To be sure, the only results for a search of "jetson nano reboot" concern turning it off & on again. The mass exodus from Calif* continues to be felt in other ways besides inflation, as  Washington creeped a little closer to Calif* by starting to collect capital gains tax. It only applies to gains over $250,000 in stonks so most of it will be paid by renters. Before the exodus, Washington had no capital gains tax. Calif* has always taxed 13.3% of capital gains, the highest in the world. The average capital gains tax is 5%. The lion kingdom believes most Amerikans have a rosy opinion of socialism because they're not really living under it. They're basing their opinions on their own experience living in flyover states, rather than observing the true policies of socialist states. They assume a capital gains tax hike means 5% instead of 4% & it only applies to gains over $250,000 or whatever money is worth today. They think paying a higher gas tax means ...
Image Complicated affair. Germany gives submarine engines to China.  China gives submarines to Thailand.  Does that make Germany & Thailand allies of China in the war against Hong Kong?  Speaking of Hong Kong, it's still 2020 there.  Anyone outside Hong Kong could start a semiconductor fab & retire, nowadays. Vijeos best watched in 4k with no sound.  They might actually be minimally entertaining if they were in stereo with the 2 characters in opposite ears, but the modern style is matter of factual center sound.  She's some kind of canadian supermodel.  She does eat meat. The lion kingdom probably wouldn't have been happy in a relationship with anyone but a supermodel.  It never was good enough for a partner to be a product of the social order. Fully lit like the Saturn V's would be ahead of a launch, only big...
Common sense finally overruled religion. It's the 1st time the bay area has followed the state rules instead of going above & beyond. This showed the former criteria was never really attainable & we've probably seen the last of masking. It was just some arbitrary government bullshit meant to pacify the mob. If the weather turns cold again & people stay inside passing around their viruses, they're not going to convince anyone to wear masks with another unattainable criteria. The Bide man gave out free masks which as far as lions can tell are intended for millennials to use to renovate their mansions. The discussion of Subaru crossovers being the official vehicle of lesbians made lions wonder if it's more common for single middle aged men to be gay or single middle aged women to be lesbian & how much dating is driven by fear of being that kind o...